Chapter Eighteen.

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*I think that photo of Louis is adorable! God I love the boy!*

We walked off the bus and out into the parking area. I could see loads of fans at the gate. They were really screaming as load as they could. All the boys gave them a wave. I was trying my best to hide behind Louis. "Ash, what you doing?" Niall asked laughing. "Hiding from there cameras, the last thing I want is to see mug shots of me all over the internet" I told him. "Smile" Harry said. I look up and he has his phone pointing at me. He then starts laughing so I kinda lost I am gonna smash that phone to pieces. I start going for him. I try to grab his phone but I was pulled back by Louis. Who was just holding me. "Sorry but I know what your like at losing it, we could not let them get that on camera" Louis told me. Zayn then walked to me with a stern look on his face making me put my head down. Louis let go of me. Zayn then took my hand. He walked me on the other side away from the boys. 

Zayn's grip on my hand was tight so I knew I am in trouble. The rest of the walk I didn't say a word or look up from the ground.  We got inside the stadium. Started walking down the corridor. I could here Paul going on about what time there doing what today but I honestly could not give too shits about it.

I was just following the boys while Zayn's holding my hand but I soon realized by the boots in front of me it is harry walking in front so I got my phone out my pocket started videoing. I then put my toes on the heel of his boot then letting go making him fall flat out on his face. Making me crease up. Even better that I got it on video. But Louis and Niall was laughing too. Liam did let out a good chuckle too. I put my phone back in my pocket. Harry got back up. "Nicely played malik"Styles told me.

I then turned around to Niall. "You better watch It still haven't got my revenge on you" I told him making Louis laugh even more. "Boys we don't really have time for this" Paul said. "Come on Ash" Zayn said getting me to keep walking.

We walked into the dressing room. "Go sit on the sofa while I get my hair and bits done then were have a bit of a talk" Zayn told me. So I sat down so did Niall and Louis waiting for there turn of getting there hair and make-up done. So I got my phone out then uploaded that video to Facebook and twitter. Niall then started laughing. "Yo harry?" Niall said. "Yes Niall?" "You know Ash got that all on camera? And she's uploaded it too twitter" Niall told him. Louis and Liam start laughing at that. My phone vibrated there was comment on my Facebook video 'Ben smith: Awe, is that your new fuck buddy how sweet #Slut'. I read it but I am not sure what to do about it. I then got a message pop-up from him. 'Ben smith: See your still wearing my onesie, its alright you can keep because that's what I do give things away to charity and also enjoy your new fuck buddy! I knew you would not say loyal to me!' I read that message too, I just did not know what to say it was just so harsh. I was not excepting it at all.

*Feeling very ill! Think i might have caught the flu! Also what do you guys think of dark fanfictions?!? Hope you liked it! Love you guys, don't forget to vote and comment*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora