Chapter Fourty Two

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That picture though, tell me your thoughts and answers on it..?!?

*Making me roll my eyes and walk into the bunk room. Louis stands in the way and blocks Harry from coming in. "Remember she's a malik she needs to cool down!" Louis tells him.
Harry sighs and walks off the bus.*

I just climb into my old bunk and decided to take a nap! Had enough of everything going on. Let's hope I miss the bitch sess between Zayn and Harry. Fingers crossed.


I woke to Zayn shouting about in the lounge. Bloody brother. "LOUIS TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK IS HARRY!!" Zayn shouts at the top of his voice.
As I thought. I am not lucky enough to sleep through all the drama.
I get up out my bunk and walk out. Everyone goes quiet and stares at me. Which makes me stomach drop. Zayn looked pissed.

I walk into the kitchen for a drink. I take a can of red bull out and open it. I turn round to see Zayn staring right at me. Do I even make a comment to him? I think I will leave it.

"So your not even going to fucking say anything to me??" Zayn shouts. I could see Louis and his friends finding this really funny. I don't give too shits I am not standing down from Zayn. He wants a fight bring it.
"what the fuck do you want me to say Zayn??" I shout back.
"How about sorry for eating your best mates mouth off??" He shouts.

"You fucking serious?!? You want me to apologise because I had a fucking kiss with Harry!! Get the fuck over it!! That is between me and him! Where the hell did you come into this?? I don't have fuck all to apologise for! " I shout at him.
"Your my little sister! It makes me involved when you were fucking born! I got to protect you from boys like him!" He shouts

"Protect me?!? I never asked you to protect me!! Even if I had you have done a pretty shit job with the past two boys!!" I shout getting in his face. Louis got up not finding it funny anymore but more worried about what's going to happen.
"You brought them boys on yourself!!" Zayn shouts. I am hurt.

"The worst thing is both of them boys were your fault. I got hurt by Luke because you brought me here. I was hurt by Ben because you started on him as my friend because you didn't like him, he saw that as a challenge to piss you off!!" I shout at Zayn. I could see his knuckle clicking. He was angered. He started to turn away and walk away from the argument.

"Oh that's the way to do it! Run away from an argument every time it gets to hard for the rich famous Zayn. Run back to your money and fake tart of a girlfriend." I tease Zayn. He then turned back round and full on punched me in the jaw. Making me hit my head on the kitchen side falling to the floor.

"Zayn what the fuck!!" Louis shouts jumping over to me. But I push Louis off me and stand up. "Ash your head is bleeding let me get you some help" Louis asked trying to assist me. I just glare at Zayn then walk out of the tour bus and away from there as first as I can.

I can't believe Zayn hit me. He goes on about how much he hates women beaters but he's turned into one.

I go into the stadium to find someone who can help me with my injury. Just as I walked in the door I bumped into Niall. He got sight of bleeding head and black eye very quickly.

"Oh my god Ashlea! What the fuck happened?" He asks shocked.
"Can we talk about that later. It's painful and needs cleaning up?" I tell Niall. "Come on I will help you." He tells me. He takes me to toilet then closes the door behind us.
I sat next to the sink on the side.

He got towel and wet it then started wiping the back of my head. "Now is the point you can start telling me who attacked you before I decide to call the police!" Niall tells me.

"Funny enough I don't want to call the police on my own brother..." I tell him and Niall looked frozen in shock.

**Its a short chapter but what do you think of what Zayn did?!? How he reacted?!?**

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now