Chapter Fourty Five

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*but by the door Niall then says "Harry you need to learn to keep your dog on a shorter leash!".

That really got to Harry and me. Liam held Harry back. I was just stunned shocked.*

Zayn came over and hugged me. "Don't let what he says get you. You got Harry now you don't need him." He was right. Who cares what Niall says. If we wants to show off then just let him.

Harry was still fuming so I went over and just kissed him just stopped him and calmed him down instantly.

"He's not worth it Harry. You got me and that's all that matters remember that."

"What did I just say Ash! Keep that behaviour to yourselfs when I am around! As a big brother I do not need to be seeing!! More to the point I refuse to see that now stop before we officially break up the same day as officially getting together!! " Zayn rants to us. I roll my eyes then put my hand on Harry's bum.

"THAT'S IT! ASHLEA GRACE MALIK!" Zayn shouts seeing it taking me by my wrist and sitting me on the sofa. "You will stay here and not talk to Harry until I say otherwise!" Zayn tells me. I laugh.

"You can not be serious!" I say standing up. "Would you like me to take your phone away instead??" Zayn asks me. I suddenly sit back down. "Sitting here sounds great!" I say winking at Harry. He smirks but he goes and sits at the dining table.

Zayn didn't sit me there long just until then pizza came for dinner then harry came and sat next to me and shared a pizza with me.
No sign of Niall though thank god. Not sure we could deal with another little outburst from him again. But not really sure how the show will go tonight. They need to sort it out. As much as I hate to say it.

Luke is right.

I can't keep tearing these boys apart. Maybe it is best I go home after all.

But first I need Harry to make up with Niall.  We had finished our pizza and we was watching an episode of the Big Bang theory. I got up out my seat taking Harry's hand and he gets up and starts following me.
Zayn instantly goes all big brother crazy on me.
"And where do you two think you are going??" He asks.
"To see Lou, my hair needs a trim. Want to join us??" I ask Zayn.

Zayn then eyed Harry then sat back down. That's what I thought.

We walked out the bus down towards the stadium. "Babe, I know we're not going to Lou so care to share where we're going ??" Harry asked.
"Well first I need to pop to see Luke and tell him about us." I tell Harry. Who didn't seem keen on the idea but understood why I didn't tell Zayn and why I am doing what I am doing.

We walked into 5sos dressing room. Noticed Niall sat in there having a laugh with the boys but he stopped and stared. Ashton glared too. Just brilliant Niall definitely told them. I went to walk towards Ashton but harry wouldn't let go of my hand.

I just gave harry a look, he seemed to trust me enough to let go. I went and sat next to Ashton. "So what is it you guys are playing?" I ask. "Fifa 17" Michael answered. Harry got the hint took the controller and started playing the game with Michael. Giving enough background sound for me to try and talk to Ashton.

"So Ashton take it you heard about me and Harry?" I ask him. "Yeah thanks to Niall! You really should tell your friends before the media. Niall told me before I found out from the media because he is a good friend like that!!" Ashton hints at.
"Oh is he?" I say turning to look at Niall who is smirking at me. God I would love to smack that smirk right of his face.

Don't do it Ashlea. Deep breaths. You want the boys to be friends with Niall again. You can't get between their friendship. No matter how much of an arsehole Niall is being.

"Well I am following Luke's advice." I say getting up purposely smiling at Niall. Then leaving the room. Hoping harry didn't notice. Which by the time I got to the tour bus there were tears running down my face.
I noticed Zayn wasn't here thank god. But Louis was. Brilliant.

I went straight to my bunk. Wanting to be alone, knowing it won't be that easy. I closed my curtain, crying even more. "Do I need to chop off Harry's balls already " I heard Louis say. I laughed slightly at how big brotherly that sounded.

"No just Niall's head." I tell him. " I hope you didn't show him that he got to you?" Louis asked.
"Don't be stupid Louis of corse I didn't." I tell him. "Good, now stop letting the boy make you feel so worthless. Whatever it is he has done will have consequences! Zayn won't let him get away with it and neither will harry!" He tells me.

"That's my problem, I have had enough with Zayn and harry arguing with Niall because of me. They used to be best friends before I came alone. They should be again. It's my fault there not." I tell Louis.
"That's a lie! Niall has brought this on himself for acting like such a twat. Treating you the way he has!" He tells me.

"But if I wasn't here for him to treat me like shit then they would all be best friends still." I tell him.

"Well I guess we're never know" Zayn says....

Sorry for the delay in updating!! Had a crazy week but I lost my Festival Virginity last weekend!! It was insane!! Are any of you guys youtuber fans?? Like Zoella or Caspar lee or jack Maynard?? I am obsessed please let me know!!

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now