Chapter Thirty-four

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"Thanks Zayn so what did mum say?" I ask curious. "She said...for me to decide what is the best option for you. I told her I think it would best for you to stay with us. Which means you can stay with on tour with us!!" Zayn told excited.

"Thank you!!" I tell Zayn. Niall pauses the film. "Come on! You wanted to watch this, now at least share what you two are so excited about?!?" Niall asked.

"Zayn's letting me have a boyfriend finally!!" I told Niall which made all the boys faces drop except Zayn who looks amused. "Oh yeah, who would that be?!?" Harry questioned.
I smile then say "Luke!!" "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?" Niall shouts standing up then I break down in laughter.
"No Niall. She is not. We are excited that she can stay on tour." Zayn tells Niall still amused over the whole thing.

I was still laughing at Niall. "That's how you want to play it malik. Let the pranks begin." Niall tells me. "Please you could not even pull a prank harry and he is the easier to prank out of us all." I sass Niall. "Hey!!" Harry protests. "What? Its true!!" I tell him.

"Not that! Don't bring me into this prank wars of yours" Harry tells me.

"I will do what I want! Thank you very much!!" I tell him standing up. "Easy tigar." Louis says pulling down onto the sofa. Harry just rolls his eyes dramatically. "Such a drama queen!!" I call harry. "Says the girl that was just balling her eyes out for making her own brother cry." Harry snaps back.

"Wow! I think someones on there maniod!!" (Man and period mixed together)
"Alright Ashlea. That's enough. Let's get back to the film." Zayn tells me. "About time" Niall says pressing play.

I sat there eating my popcorn while they were all drinking beer after beer. Starting to get rather drunk.
Its getting quite funny. The films not long finished. But some how we got to the point of Liam and Louis wrestling just to win an Oreo.

Niall is just laughing at them while Harry with the Oreo packed. I went and sat next to harry. He was too into the two idiot boys. So I grabbed the Oreo pack and ran. I could hear at least one boy chasing me.
I was tackled by Niall. "Nooo! MY Oreos!!" I shout at him.

"Not a chance. Hand them over Ashlea before I start tickling you!!" He threatens me. "ZAYNN!!" I shout. He walks into view. "Yes?" He asks amused.

"Don't just stand there!! Help me and my oreos!!"I shout at Zayn. "No. I think I am gonna get another beer" he said walking away. "I don't need your help anyway!!" I tell him.

"Give me the oreos!" Niall says reaching for them. "Not a chance. You smelly drunk horan." I call him. He smirks then starts tickling me.

"No! Ahhh.....get off!.....noo" I shout laughing. He then grabs the oreos then runs. "GET BACK HERE HORAN!!" I shout. I get up right after him.
He jumps on the sofa next to Harry. "Harry don't let her get me!" Niall tells Harry.
I walk to the kitchen I get a beer. I can feel Zayn watching me.

I walk over to niall and harry. I pop it open and about to tip it over him till Louis took it. "Not the beer!!" He tells me. "Fine" I go into the kitchen and got a bottle of water.
Niall runs out the tour bus door. I run right after him. There's fans and paps outside. Niall runs over to talk to the fans casually. He smirks at me. That's not gonna stop me.

I run for him and he runs away too. "Come here horan!" I shout. I see Zayn and Louis stood at the bus door. I caught up with Niall then poured it all over him. He's shirt now see through. His hair now gone flat.

"NIALL!!" a fan shouts then throws him a watergun. My eyes go wide. "NOOOO!" I shout running over at full speed making the boys full out laugh. "Move!" I shout at Zayn to get him to let me on the bus.

"That's cheating!!" Louis tells. I then see Niall really close I go to run but Louis grabs my waist. "NOOO!" I scream as the cold water gets squirted at me.

"Your a bum!!" I tell Niall. "Pay back is a bitch!" Niall tells me. I then hit Louis in the chest. "This your fault!!" I tell Louis. He laughs. "Yeah I think your right." Louis told me.

I then go onto the bus to dry off. I get changed into Nialls batman onesie just to annoy him. I walk out into the lounge. "I don't even have a girlfriend and I am losing clothes!!" Niall says. "Teach you not to get revenge." I tell him laughing.

"Oh is that right?!" He asks. He is dried off now. "Yeah it is." I tell him. I then sit between him and Zayn.
Niall then stuck his wet finger in my ear. "Wet willy!!" Niall shouts.

"That is disgusting!!" I tell Niall. "Ashlea you should get off to bed! Were flying tomorrow I don't need you grumpy." Zayn tells me.

I agreed as I am tried anyway. "Night Zayn." I said kissing his check. "Night boys!" I say. "Night thing." I say to Niall. "Awe do I not get a kiss?!?" He bantered.

"Too far horan. Go to bed Ashlea. You are not kissing him!" Zayn tells me. Making me laugh.
I walk into the bunk room and climb into bed.
I soon feel asleep.

*What did you think?!?
So who you think Ashlea is going to get with? Which boy 5sos or 1d?!? I need your opinions on who your shipping?!? Niall? Ashton? Luke? Ben?
I hope the media works. Never know with wattpad but I feel like it relates to Ashlea so well. She's got so much history with Ben but Zayn don't like him. But all 3 Niall, Ashton and Luke have just popped up into her life. All three of those boys are perfect too.

Plus you just gotta love Disney classics like Hannah Montana!

Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you guys.*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now