Chapter Fourty Three

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He got towel and wet it then started wiping the back of my head. "Now is the point you can start telling me who attacked you before I decide to call the police!" Niall tells me.

"Funny enough I don't want to call the police on my own brother..." I tell him and Niall looked frozen in shock.

"Are you fucking serious?? What the hell did you do for his temper to reach that high??" Niall asks me. Just as he does Harry runs in.
"Harry??" I say confused. "I had to see if you were okay!! Louis rang me told to go find you. Afraid of what might happen. "

"That's really sweet of you. Did Louis tell you what Zayn did?" I ask him taking his hand. "Yeah he did! This is all my fault!! He should have been me he hit not you!!" Harry says ranting to himself upset.

"Wait will somebody please tell me what the bloody hell I missed!!" Niall interrupts.

"Or more to point why you are all in the men's toilets talking about Zayn hitting people " Luke adds making us all look over at him.
"Me and Harry had a spare of the moment make out session and Louis caught it on his live stream which no doubt is all over twitter by now as well as the media news. Zayn saw it and he's pissed off enough as it is cause he found out I was with Ben earlier! Then I started arguing with him and I wound him up enough for him to full on swing punch me. Making it two black eyes now and probably broken nose. But I also hit my head when I went down." I explained it all.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU PLAYING AT ASHLEA!!" Luke shouts. I just roll my eyes at him looking away.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!! You know Zayn's temper is really bad. That's how he has a broken hand all the time! What else did except!!" Luke rants. Niall had finished my head but Harry still had hold of my hand.

"The last thing I want right now is a telling off from you Luke!! Now please just fuck off!" I tell Luke straight. Luke rolled his eyes at me. "Harry, Niall can you give me two minutes with Ashlea?" Luke asks.
Niall walked out but Harry looked at me. I nodded my head at him to okay it.

"Ashlea you need to open your eyes!! I get that you love Niall but Harry loves you!! You might be saying it was just snog but to him it means more. To make matters worse Ashton has fallen for you too!!" Luke tells me.
"What's this got to do with you?" I question him.

"Ashlea you need to pick one boy and stick with them otherwise your gonna break theses boys apart." Luke tells me. Then Paul walks in making my stomach drop.

"Ashlea what's going on?? I only came looking for you as you got a visitor!" Paul tells me. Luke just walks out. "Nothing just had an argument with Zayn that's all. I am fine." I tell Paul.
"Is that who hurt you? Zayn?" Paul asks looking at my head.

"Yeah but like I said I am fine now, so it doesn't matter!" I tell Paul. "Come with me" Paul tells me.

I start following Paul. When we left the toilets Harry was still waiting so was Niall. "Boys she's coming with me and your not. She will speak to you later!" Paul tells me before I could. So they just stayed there while I walked with Paul.

We were soon in the office part of the building. "Who are we seeing?" I ask him. "Kiera and Jacob" Paul tells him. I stop in my tracks. "Not a chance in hell!" Jacob the opens the office door. "Good to see you too Ashlea" Jacob says and I slowly walk in the office. Paul leaves.

Kiera and Jacob are the boys top mangers before Simon. They are always so tough and strict on the boys.

"How are you Ashlea?" Kiera asks. "Cut the crap what do you want?" I tell them. "Well we know Niall and Zayn caused them marks on your face and were not happy you are around the boys enough to get to that stage. We will give you one more chance you get a single mark from them either one of the 5 boys then we're sending you home." Jacob tells me. I just roll my eyes.

"Don't give us attitude young lady! We're trying to help and protect both you and the boys." Kiera tells me.
"Are we done now??" I ask. "For now " I then get up and leave. I hate them too. They hold far too much power for my liking.
I start walking back to go to the boys rehearsal.

As soon as I walk in the stadium. Zayn makes eye contact with me. Making my stomach drop. I just take a sit but not up front down the back. I start crying but I know the boys are too far away to be able to tell. Thank god.

I couldn't deal with the fuss any of the boys would make if they saw the state I was in. Then I got a text.

From Ben:
Meet me tonight 8pm sharp. 639 tailsmith street. Come alone.

Which made me cry even more. The times 6:50pm now. Lou then started walking down the steps and came to sit next to me. I locked my phone and wiped away the tears. "Jesus Ash your a mess. What's wrong?" She's asks concerned.

Making everyone stop and stare. I just get up to leave.
I heard someone coming up after me. But I just walked out the stadium even faster then down the corridors.
"Ash please stop" it was Zayn. He was in tears too. Making me cry more.

"Why are you crying?" I stop and ask him.
"You. What I did to you. Look at your face and head. I did that to you. Not to mention what I did emotional to you. This is my fault I am meant to protect you and look after you. Your right I have failed but I want to make it right now. If you want to date Harry you can but be warned I will be watching like a hawk." Zayn tells me. I just give him a big hug. I wipe away my tears.

Zayn takes my hand and we start walking back to the stadium.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now