Chapter One

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If anyone is good at making story covers send me a message please, Thank you


I woke up to Zayn telling me I got to get up.

"Come on Ash! Wakey wakey, were at the airport Bunny"

"I will only get up if you promise not to call me bunny again! I'm 16 Zayn!" he laughed but left. I got up out of bed, walked into the lounge where every body was. I just sat down.

"I thought you said we were at the airport?"

"Were ten minutes away and I woke up cause you never get up instantly"

"Yeah so what you done with the real ashlea?" liam joked. I looked at Zayn to see if he was gonna spill about my nickname. He had a grant smirk on his face.

"I just wasn't tried anymore" I said jumping up to walk over to Zayn and hugged him really tight.

He laughed, "So what you hiding then Ashlea?" I heard harry say.

"What makes I'm hiding anything?"

"You get up instantly, you say your not tried when we can see in your eyes and you jump up to hug Zayn" Zayn was about to speak but I covered his month.


Zayn licked my hand. "Eww" I wiped it on him.

"She don't want me to tell you her cute little nickname"

"They don't need to know it"

"Zayn go on tell us" Harry spoke walking over to us. I put my hand over his mouth but Harry pulled them down and wouldn't let go off my hands.

I was still trying to get free but he just hugged me from behind and kept me there not letting me go.

"Bunny boo" he said as I hid my face in Harry's chest. I heard the boys laughing.

"Awe I think its cute"

"Is not" I said hitting Harry's chest then turning to look at Zayn.

"I'm mad at you now!" I said pointing at him. I walked away and sat on the sofa alone. 

Zayn walked over to me and got down to my sitting height then said.

"Come on baby girl, don't be mad at me" I ignored him then put my knees up and put my head in it.

"Fuck sake is she really gonna be mad at you over every little thing, this is gonna be a long few months!"

"LOUIS! Language by my baby sister and she's a girl! Their feelings are sensitive"

"Please! she knows more foul language then me"

"I highly doubt that."

"Niall you heard her?"

"I'm staying out of this one" 

The tour bus pulled in at the airport. The bus door opened and Paul come in.

"Please tell me were not gonna get mobbed"

"No its clearly too early for your fans"

"I agree its too early I think we should all just go back to bed and catch a later flight"

"She is defiantly related to you zayn but come on were getting on this one" I just huffed then got up.

I grabbed my shoulder bag then jumped out the bus with the boys following behind. I walked up to Zayn then gave him a big hug.

"What's that for?"

"I'm not mad at you! I love you Zayn" I said giving him a kiss on the check.

"I love you too Ash!" He kissed the top of my head. He took my hand and we started walking again.

"Zayn can we get a Starbucks?"

"Paul have we got time?"


"Only if you take niall with you"

I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness then let go off Zayn's hand.

Then started walking towards Starbucks with Niall next to me.

"Niall please let me queue by my self?" I said begging him.

"Fine but I'll be watching your every move and if you do something I don't like I will make sure you don't let go off mine or Zayn's hand for the rest of the day and I mean that" Niall said threatening me but

I just sighed then nodded and queued.

I saw the boy behind the till give me a wink while I was queuing. I looked back at Niall but he was on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled.  

I returned the smile. I got to the front of the queue.

"Hi there babe, what can I get you?"

"The way your going a punch in the balls"

"Don't be like that babe"

"Not from me from my brother now just get me a Carmel frapchino and a double chocolate chip muffin"

"What for calling you babe, a bit of flirting never hurt anyone sweetheart" he left to do my drink.

Then come back a few minutes later with my drink and muffin. "Thanks"

"Anytime sweetheart" I walked away from him and up to Niall who was still on his phone.

He didn't look up till I was in front of him. I gave him the muffin.

"Nice try but I still saw what happened!"

"But he was the one flirting."

"Give me your hand" He held his hand out. I took a big breath then just took it.

We walked up too the others. "What took you too so long?"

"Ashlea thought she would just flirt around with a boy" Zayn then looked very disappointed then took my hand from Niall.

"Can we just get are flight already?" We walked off to are gate to get on are plane.

We got on are private plane. I went to sit at the back away from everyone.

"Oh no you don't, you sit next to me where I can see you"

"Why do you treat me like such a baby? Zayn I'm 16 not 6"

"Cause I love you and I'm just protecting you"

"I don't need protecting, I need freedom"

"I don't think so that would lead you to have teenage friends and boyfriends which lead to being back-stabbed and heart broken. which is what I'm protecting you from baby I just wish you could see that I'm doing this cause I love you"

"But Zayn that's part off life"

"But it don't have to be so I'm not letting it be apart off yours!"

"Just let me find this out for my self"

"What and see you hurt! I could not go through watching that!"

"And what about when I want to settle down? I wont know anyone to settle with"

"But I know people"

"You are not picking who I marry"

"I am and let's not talk about this now Ash come on, Come sit with me and were take a nap."

"No I don't want to sit with you"

"Ash get in that seat. NOW." he said get angry with me.

I sat down but I put my bag down then found my headphones and my iPod.

I put my headphone ignoring Zayn and the boys. I started staring out the window but I soon feel asleep.


Sorry its short but next one will be longer and will be updated in the next week :) Thank you for reading.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now