Chapter Fourteen

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*I think I am on a roll ATM, I never update this often. Its all because I love you guys!*

We all got up off the seats. "So where first Ash? Its your turn to pick some shops?" Niall asked.

"I would love to go h&m if its okay with you guys?" I asked unsure about some of the lads like the one I kind of turned down.

"Sure, we would love to" Calum said knowing about the awkwardness in the air.  We started walking to h&m, when a group of 4 girls walked up to Niall for a photo. Niall just took a group selfie with them and moved on.  I creased up to the fact they didn't even look twice at 5sos. "Oh shut up Ashlea" Michael said joking about with me but pouting at the same time.

"But that is so funny" I said trying to breath through laughter. "Come on ash, stop laughing before that food you just ate comes back up" Niall told me seriously now. So I calmed myself down. "But seriously tho the amount of girls that tried to mug you in the last state and girls here down even look at you twice. That's pretty funny, how quick it changes"

"Come on Ash, let's go shopping" Niall said trying to get me to stop insulting the boys. "Well at least we don't get more hate than love tweets." Luke stated to me. Which hurt alot. "You always have to take it too far! Don't you!" Michael shouted at him. I just looked down and ignored Luke. "Alright boys calm it, Ash knows not to take the hate to hurt so let's just leave it" Niall told the lads. I then felt Niall's eyes go into my direction. "You feeling okay Ash?" "No, can we just go back to the bus?" I asked not looking up. 

"Sure thing princess" he said. I am feeling really light headed, I know I can't start walking yet. "You coming?" Michael asked. I just stared down, not saying a thing. I soon saw Niall's red Nike's in my few. I then looked him in the eyes and he's looking right back. I then start seeing black dots everywhere.

Next thing I know I am in Niall's arms and he is close to crying. He is trying to wake me. "Niall?" I say.  "Oh my god Ash! Thank god your alright" Niall said too me. "Can we please go back to the bus now?" I ask him. "Yes, I can carry you if you want?" He offered. "No, I'll be fine walking" I told him. "Are you sure? You just blacked out!" He stated to me. "I know Niall I'm feeling better" I told him. "Fine but if you even feel the slightest bit of dizziness, you are to tell me instantly. You got that?" He said sternly. "Yes Niall" I told him.

He then held me stand up onto my feet. Niall still put his arm around my waist for support in case. When we finally got to the car. He carefully sat Me in next to Micky. The other 5sos lads sat opposite me then Niall got in next to me and pulled me into his chest so I was cuddling him. Which didn't take too long on the road to fall asleep even know its a short ride and I tried my best to say awake but failed.

*Love their song 'steal my girl'. I came across that Zayn picture online so thought I would share it with you guys also don't forget to comment and vote!*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now