Chapter thirty-six

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Zayn turns to me. "Did you really except Louis to forgive you that quickly!"
I huffed then sat down next to Niall again. "Louis lets go!" Paul called him.

"No! It's not fair" Louis whined like a child. Paul sighed then walked out to him. Soon enough the too lads came out.

We walked of the bus and headed to walk in the air port. I could see a swarm of paparazzi ahead. This isn't going to go well.
But they kept walking anyway. We were soon enough crowded.

All I could hear was them shouting to me about my life. "Does Zayn know you have a boyfriend?" "Are you pregnant you have put a lot of weight on?" "Why are on tours with the boys?" "Did you mum abandon you?"
That was really offending me. I was falling behind away from this boys as I could not push some of these people out my way. They were being aggressive towards me. I was pushed over. I felt someone's hand pull me up. It was Zayn. I cuddle into his chest. He was pulling me through still cuddling me shouting abuse back at them. I couldn't help it I started to tear up.

We got inside to the rest of the boys. Zayn stopped and started rubbing my back and comforting me. "Are you alright ash?" Zayn asks seeing the state I was in. I just hid my head into his chest crying. "Your alright now baby. I got you. No one is gonna hurt you. Your safe" Zayn starts telling me calming me down. I start wiping my tears away. "Now did you physically get hurt out there?" Zayn asks. "No I didn't but they were shouting some nasty abuse" I tell Zayn.

"They were trying to get a reaction from you. Don't give it to them" he tells me. "But you shouted back at them?" I say confused. "I had the right to they upset you and made you feel scared. Your my little sister, it's my job to protect you" Zayn tells me.

"Now come on we got a plane to catch" he says taking my hand in his. We walked through security then up to our plane. Which was ready for us so we just load up onto the plane .

I go and take a seat by the window down the back. Where it's quite so I can have some time to myself which I don't get often. I pull my headphones out so I can go to sleep. Setting my music up on my phone then putting it on airplane mode.
I then put my headphones in and close my eyes. But as soon as did I could feel a presence . I open my eyes to see Niall sat next to me. I take a headphone out. "Can I help you?" I ask.

"You looked lonely back here alone" he tells me. "That's the idea" I tell him. "Oh well I don't think it's a good idea " Niall says getting comfy. I let out a big annoyed moan.
Harry then walks out the toilet from behind. "If you don't want Zayn to here you too then I suggest you keep the moans to a minimum." He says smirking. I turn bright red. He then legs it and I jump up to chase him. We got to other end of the plane were the boys were. Paul stands up. "If you two don't behave. I will have either of you sat either side of me. You got that" Paul says. "Yes Pauly" Harry says sitting in his seat still smirking. "I mean it Ashlea" Paul says.

"You just wait till we're off this plane pretty boy." I say walking away and back down to my seat.
Niall is sat there smirking. "Did you get him?" He asks. "No Paul saved him but believe me I will" I tell him. I go to squeeze past Niall to get to my seat but the plane jiggled for some reason and I fell on his lap. I looked at him shocked.

"Urm s-sorry" I said getting funny feelings about the whole thing. "It's fine ash." He says confidently with his cheeky smile. I get off him and into my seat.

I pick my phone and headphones up and put them in then looked at Niall who is just staring at me smiling. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" he says smiling looking away. Well that was a bit weird if you ask me.
I close my eyes and soon dose of to sleep.
I wake up a few hours later. I see Niall awake staring at me again. This boy is really starting to crepe me out quite a bit.

As soon as he saw I was actually awake he looked away. I took my headphones out. "How long you been awake?" I ask. "An hour or so. Also Harold took some photos of us asleep." He tells me. "How long was I asleep?" I ask. "About 4 hours I think" he tells me.

I get out my seat and then turn to Niall. "If I don't come back the chances of me being held hostage by Paul in the seat next to his is very high. I got a curly head dude to go attack." I tell him. Making him full on laugh at what I said. Making me smile at him.

I walk slowly and sneakily getting closer and closer to Harold without being spotted by Paul. Harry stood up so I slid in behind his seats and soon as he walks down the isle I jump on his back.

"Wow!" He says almost following over. But catching himself. "Ashleeeee" he whined. "How did you know it's me" I complained. "Well not many boys I know where pink fluffy socks!" He says holding my foot out as its round his waist.

"Booooooo! No fair!" I say ruffling his hair. "Well now I am on you! Take me to my seat! Come on horsey!" I commend.

Harry walked over to Niall. Niall started laughing. "Good horsy! Now put me down gently!" I tell Harry. Who just drops me on Niall lap hitting him right to the balls making groan in pain.

"Thanks Harry!" Niall says sarcastically. He just laughs. "She's all yours!" Harry says.
"ASHLEA GRACE MALIK!!" we hear Zayn shout throughout the plane.

"No! She's all Zayn's!" Niall says. "Oh what have I done now" I groan.

*Look at that! Two updates in one week! You guys should be proud! I do this for you and I love reason positive comments from you guys so please write them! It makes me want to write more! Love you guys*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now