Chapter Fourty.

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There producer Ben Winston was stood there. "Why you so late boys?" He shouts. They all look at me. "Oh the traffic in the city was dreadful!" I tell him.
He just nods and tells the boys to follow him onto stage.

I went back stage to see who was about I noticed. More like heard 5 seconds of summer was here. So I went down to see them laughing and joking around. Luke spotted me first and he coughed making it clear to the others I was there. "Oh my god Ash what the hell happened to your face?" Ashton asked.

"Sorry ash I was born this way" I tell him. Making the other boys laugh. "Not what I meant. Your face is beautiful!" Ashton tells me. "Someone hit me!" I tell Ashton. He pulls me in for a hug. "Is there something you wanted Niall?" I jumped as soon as I heard that. I know Ashton certainly felt it. Don't think anyone else noticed.

"Yeah Ashlea but didn't want to interrupt her with Ashton would I now" he says shitty with me. I roll my eyes my eyes. "See you boys later" I tell them about to go with Niall. Ashton grabbed my wrist. "Come find me later" he asks I nod then leave.

"What is it you wanted anyway Niall ?" I ask him. "To talk to you" he tells me. "Oh look I spoke you responded were done" I tell him trying to walk off. "Please ash" he begs.
"Fine maybe you can tell me what the hell your problem is!! First you treat me like a princess I fucking fell for you and trusted you!!! Told you my deepest secret then you completely fuck it all up!! First get all angry with me then ignore me then fucking offend me like fuck then you try apologies like nothing is fucking serious. Then you fucking punch me round the face then you get fucking moody when I was all close with Ashton!! You so fucked in the head Niall!!!" I shout at him. Paul comes running in. We both look over at him. "Niall you mic it's still on" Paul tells him.

I stand there realising the whole team now knows what's happened. Fuck. I then run off. "ASHLEA!!" Niall shouts after me. I didn't stop I left the stadium completely. I can't deal with bumping into anyone right now. I grown up on these streets the biggest fear is trying not to bump into anyone I know.

I know if Zayn goes looking he will go around town centre and by mums so will avoid them to areas. So going to go round the area of the hotel but I have to go through town centre so hopefully I won't bump into any of the boys on the way. It's not a long walk from the stadium about 10 minutes.

I walk right through the shopping centre but I stopped when I came face to face with the person I have been dreading to see since I got here. Ben.
He was with my ex best friend. Which made it a lot worse. He let go of her hand and touched my black eye. "Looks like it hurt." He states. I smirk.
"Yeah and were actually blaming you for it too" I tell him smirking. He raises his eye brows.

"Wow! That means you upset one of the big mr superstars!" He says amused. "Everyone has feelings and anger Ben" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"So why are you out here alone?" He asks suspiciously. "Funny enough were not dating anymore and were not even friends anymore so you don't actually get to know my business!" I tell him.

"But don't hide the fact I still scare you because I can see it in your eyes." Ben tells me making me sigh and look down. Making him smirk. "Really wouldn't mind meeting up some point the next few days Ash?" Ben asks.
I don't say anything. I then notice a new pair of shoes next to mine.

"I think you need to fuck off boy before I charge you with rape" it was Niall. "You can't do that only she can " Ben tells him. "I can't but she's still under 18 so her brother can and will!" Niall tells him.

"I will see you around Ash" Ben says walking off. Once he's gone I look up. "How did you find me so quick?" I ask my voice on edge of breaking. "Used the malls CCTV" he tells me. He then takes my hand knowing I didn't want to talk right now and walks me to the van he had Paul waiting in.

I just got in not saying a word to Paul or Niall. Now I got to go back and face everyone with them knowing everything including Zayn.

Going to be a rough day. Ben definitely made it worse.
Paul pulled the van up. I sigh and then get out. I walk up to the stadium and the security guard asks for my pass which I left inside. "Oh I don't have it. Don't worry I will just leave" I tell him. "Oh no you don't. She's with me." Paul tells him showing him his head of security pass. Who lets us in. I sigh again. I then walk to the backstage lounge.
Zayn's in there with Harry and both Lou and Louis.

Lou looks at me sympathetically then rubs my back. "How you doing sweetie?" She asks. I just nod with a bit of a smile.

Zayn looks me and holds his arms out for me to go into which I do without question. I start crying in his arms. He doesn't say anything just comforts.

No one in the room said anything. Someone comes in the room. "I'm not staying I just wanted to say when I found her in town centre she was with Ben" Niall tells Zayn then leaves...

*Another updateeeeee!! God you guys must love me!!😉😉 what did you guys think?? Everyone finding out she fell in love with Niall? Her seeing Ben?? Also I am sorry about the delay in posting these updates I used to suffer from an eating disorder but I beat it which that happened when I was 13 it took me two years to beat it but I did! But now I am 19 and I have finally come to the terms that I have anorexia again.*

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now