Chapter Fourty seven

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Just a quick note guys- Would like your opinion on Jake Paul? Do you like him? Do you hate him? Not heard of him? Don't have to give me reasons to any of your answers but if you would like to that's great. Thanks guys, back to the story.

"That's not true. I spoke to Luke before I left and Niall has been texting me the past 20 minutes." I tell him.
"Oh has he now. Thanks for sharing that Niall!" I hear Louis say clearly Niall in the room. I then heard muffle. Then Harry spoke "Ash why won't you answer the phone to me?" He asked.

"Just know I love you Harry" I then hung up the phone.

I pulled up to my house now, I put my phone in my pocket. I paid the taxi driver then got my bags out of the boot.
I walked up to my front door took a deep breath then walked inside. I put my bags down and walked into the lounge to see my mum. "Ashley!" She said shocked and ran to give me a hug.  Which I returned.

"Not that I am not glad to see you Ash but why are you home?" She asked me.
"I couldn't deal with things on tour, it got to crazy. Besides I am back just in time to do my last year of school. I think it's only right I do my last year!! " I tell my mum.

"I definitely agree! I was trying to talk Zayn into it but he wasn't having it. Wait how did you talk Zayn into letting you come home?" She asks.
"Going to be honest Mum, I didn't I just left so don't be surprised if he just turns up or calls you. I needed out Mum." I tell her honestly.
"Right" she sighed taking a deep breath knowing Zayn is gonna be pissed.
Mum helps me take my bags up stairs. She then blurred out a question. "What about your boyfriend?" She asked. "We're still together will just have to find time around tour to see each other." I told her.

Mum left me to unpack, I got my phone out and it had a ton of missed calls. I just answer harry since he was calling me at the time I picked my phone uk.
"What's popping?" I ask him. "Why would you even just answer the phone like there's nothing wrong. You tell me how much you love me like your never gonna see me again. You freaked me the fuck out. Don't do that again!! Now where are you?" Harry ranted. "I am at my mums house." I tell him calmly.
"Could you not have told us you were going to visit your mum? Instead of freaking us out?" Harry said.
"I am not visiting Harry I am moving back in with her. I can't stay on tour, I am making a mess of all your friendships as well as I want to finish my last year at school. " I tell harry.

"Your crazy if you think me or Zayn will let this happen!!" Harry tells me.
I heard some noise in the back ground. It's Zayn. "Both me and Harry will be over late tonight to sort this out. Don't leave mums house Ash!" Zayn tells me.
"Ben is in London, I will be fine. Besides I want to go see Dad." I tell Zayn.

"ASHLEA GRACE MALIK!! Like hell will you!! After everything NO not a chance!!" Zayn shouts.

"Zaynnnnn" I whine. "No ASHLEA not for discussion! I will see you later!" Zayn tells me hanging up, leaving me in tears.

I knew they had to perform now so I decided to unpack my clothes and shit to make it harder for them to move me back onto tour. It didn't take long an hour max. I then went downstairs to see if Mum wanted help with cooking dinner and to give her warning about Zayn. We both decided to get take out. I agreed to walk down the road to our local Chinese. I got changed and ready to go out.

 I got changed and ready to go out

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Ashlea is wearing this outfit.
I left and started walking down the road. We lived just outside of Bradford city centre. It took me about 20 minutes to walk. I walked into the Chinese place and ordered my food. I spent about 15 minutes waiting for my food then when I was walking out the door I bumped into someone to realise it was Chad from school. He was one of Zayn's best friends from school. I used to have a massive crush on him and flirt with him loads. He used to basically live at our house. Which even after Zayn became famous he still spoke to me at school until he left.

Once he reAlised who I was he gave me hug and asked how I was. "Wow! Ashlea long time no see!! Didn't know you were back to bradford?" He said. "It has been a long time but how did you know I left?" I ask.
"Well your all over the news these days for dating one of the members out of the biggest boy band in the world" he said sarcastically making me laugh.

The conversation was then cut short by some idiot with a big arse camera taking pictures of us. He then offered to give me a lift home, which I took not wanting this guy to follow me home. After Chad dropped me off. "Thank you for the ride home, much appreciated! I am staying home for my last year of school so I guess I will be seeing you around." I told him.

"You will indeed as I am doing my teaching degree at your school. So I will probably see you at school." Chad told me.
I left his car then went inside only to be met by Zayn and Harry. Harry was stood in the kitchen by the window. "Who was that?" He asked my straight out.
"Urm just a friend" I told him. "Hmm" he replied but Zayn and Mum walked into the kitchen before I could say anything. Harry's definitely pissed off with me. Brilliant.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now