Chapter thirty seven...

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*Love how much of a protection big brother Harry is! It's so cuteeee!! Sorry for not updating guys my life has been abit hectic and been going through deep depression. So haven't been in the right Frame of mind to do any writing. Struggled to do this and can't promise when the next update will be but hopefully soon. Love you guys*

"ASHLEA GRACE MALIK!!" we hear Zayn shout throughout the plane.

"No! She's all Zayn's!" Niall says. "Oh what have I done now" I groan.

I got off Niall's lap and into my chair I am so not walking to him. He can hunt me down.

"Why did you not tell me that you fell out with Doniya over Ben?!?" Zayn asks me.

"Did you talk to her?" I ask him. "Yes, kind off. Only briefly over message. You still haven't answered my question " Zayn complains. "Did she tell you what she saw?" I ask him.

"if your on about her walking in on you two in the bedroom then refusing to make him leave yeah" he says pissed off. I just sigh and look out the window. "I am not talking about Zayn so just leave" I tell him. I hear him leave.

That's not even how it happened. I felt a hand on my knee. I knew it was Niall but I didn't want to look because then he was see my tears.

"I know your crying Ash but please talk to me. I care for you and I want you to talk to me. Or if not just let me comfort you". Niall begs me. I turn to look him in the eye and he gives me sympathetic look.

He gives me a cuddle. "It's not what happened is it?" "Not even the slightest bit close." I tell him.

"Do you want to tell me?" He asks moving my hair out my face. I wipe my tears away then check my make up. Then wipe my face. So it didn't look like I have been crying anymore.

"I do and it's not so upsetting anymore. It's more the fact my own family members won't believe me that makes me emotional." I explain to Niall.
"Explain it to me, I believe you Ash I promise" he tells me moving my hair again to see my face making me smile.

I was about to start explaining when Louis interrupted "Don't you two look cosy! Is that what pissed Zayn off!"

"Maybe it is maybe it is isn't but as far as I am aware either way it's none of your business Louis!" I snap at Louis.

"Well somebody is on their period " Louis sang walking away. "Don't let him get to you Ash" Niall tells me.
"One thing you got to understand Niall he is a very controlling obsessive person. He likes people to do as he says and if they don't the first time he will either intimidate you into doing so or basically bullying you after like he has with me."

"I have noticed the bullying on your Facebook Ash" Niall tells me.

"The night Doniya came home early Ben had forced me to take him back to mine because the police were looking for him. He had forced me to get into bed with him." Just as I say that I can see Harry giving me eye contact. I think he heard. This can't be happening I can't deal with Harry knowing he will tell Zayn.

I start freaking out I start  hyperventilating. Niall notices. So does Harry who gets up. "Ash calm down. Please start counting your breathing" Niall tells me trying to get me to focus.

Zayn then run down to me with my asthma pump. He forces me to takes the pump. Then starts counting my breathing with me. "In and out" he's telling me. I calm down enough for him to stop.

"What an earth was going on so bad that you start having a panic attack bad enough you couldn't control?" Zayn asks both me and Niall. Niall just looks at me.

"I had a nightmare" I tell Zayn. "Alright sweetie, you know where I am if you need me again. Good thing Harry got me when he did" Zayn tells me.
"Harry got you?" I ask Zayn. "Yeah he said he could spot how bad your panic attack was from where he was sat. He could hear you." Zayn tells me.

Zayn goes back to his seat. "What the hell happened Ash?" Niall asks. "Harry knows he was giving eye contact" I tell him scared. Niall turns to look at Harry's seat and he's not there.
"Are you in a well enough state for me to ask the questions I got?" Niall asks me.

"Yeah, just do it Niall" I tell him. "What is it that happened when Doniya turned up?" Niall asked.

"He had finished. He was just laying next to me and all my tears had cleared up by this point. I was still sweaty though and she walked in my room to see us laying in bed. She had never met him before. I knew if I told him to go in front of my sister. He would but he would cause harm to me in the future for it so I knew it wasn't worth it. So when Doniya told me to send him home I told her no. Only by force. He stayed the night and he left the morning after. Doniya told me if I didn't tell her what was going on she was going to ring Zayn on me but we ended up aruguing then I went to Zayn's a few weeks later."

"So you haven't spoken since?" Niall asks. "No, been to scared too. I know she knew something wasn't right but I couldn't tell her even to this day I still can't" I tell Niall.
"That's so sad Ash! Why haven't you spoken to someone sooner?" Niall asks.

"I haven't felt safe enough with someone to do so" I tell him.
"Safe enough so you didn't feel safe enough with Zayn to tell him??" Niall asks shocked. "The way he would react I can't tell him. I think your reaction is bad enough" I tell Niall.

"What do you except your telling me the guy who is bullying you on social media has assaulted you. You haven't told anyone including you big sister who was seconds from walking into it and your brother you have been on tour with for months. Which you have known both your whole life. But you tell me someone who you have known like 3 years!!" Niall shouts over reacting.

"Maybe it's to do with fact I actually might love you but who fucking cares anyway!!" I shout storming off away from Niall...

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The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now