Chapter Ten

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*I'm back! I got a new phone thank god! You don't realise how much more boredom there is in a day without a phone! It really sucked but anyone I'm back with a better phone I might add! Anyway enough of me here's the update you have been waiting weeks for! Thank you for your support and Thank you for being so patient with me too! Love you guys!*

*Ashlea's POV*

I didn't really have a great nap because the boys were being so loud and rowdy but I know I am gonna need to get used to that anyway. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice if they should shut up long enough for me to fall asleep, I would love it but by the time I'm falling asleep Zayn is waking me up because dinners here. I'm not even that hungry. I feel sick from the lack of sleep I just got.

I still got up out of bed walked into the lounge where the loud rowdy boys are watching the world cup. (Just pretend its still going.) I gave all the boys a glare as I walked to sit down. "Wow! Somebody's grumpy!" Louis shouted.

"Do you have to be so bloody loud?" I asked me.

"ASH!" I heard Zayn's voice boom at me. I looked in his direction with a raised eye brow.

"You called?" I asked him.

"You don't give me that sort of attitude! None of the boys are an exception! You show them the respect you show me now you will apologise to Louis then go eat your dinner!" he scolded me in front of the boys leaving them quiet shocked.

"I'm sorry Louis" I told him then walked over to the kitchen.

I then picked up my plate of food and walked to the table sitting there along with my back facing the boys. I was more fiddling with my food then eating it but I knew if I left the table which too much food I will get interrogated about it. No doubt about it so I sat trying to find it in me to eat it but I really did not like it. Pizza with too much tomato on it then the chips were really salty and greasy so over all this was not a great meal anyway. So I was trying to kill the taste down with tomato ketchup it worked for the chips but not so much for the pizza the problem is that its too much tomatoes on it so putting more on is not going to help.

I soon noticed my phone vibrate in my pocket so I took it out. Its dying so I get up to go put it on charge but I knew they would check my dinner before I was aloud to leave the room and just like I suspected. Zayn gets up and goes to look at my plate.

"What's wrong with the pizza?" he asked me.

"Its got to much tomato on it" I told him bluntly.

"Fine" he said letting me go. I went to the back lounge put my phone on charge then went and got changed into some pyjama bottoms and a vest top.

I then walked out to the boys again to see what they were doing now the football had finished they were deciding a film to put on. "How about notebook?" Harry asked.

"No to soppy!" Louis protested.

"Spiderman?" Liam asks.

"No too much action" Louis protested again.

"Finding Nemo?" Niall suggested.

"No too childish!" He protested for the third time.

"hangover?" Zayn asked.

"No to funny for this time of night!" Louis protested for the forth time.

"Just put Harry potter on or whatever just pick a film will you!" I snapped at him.

"Ash your a genius! That's it Harry potter!" Louis finally agreed.

"Well I don't like to brag but I always knew I was!" I told joking again. It did make Louis, Niall and Zayn laugh. Good enough for me!

They decided to watch the first Harry potter film. I am sat cuddled into Niall and I had fallen asleep by the time Harry, Ron and Hermione had found the three headed dog the first time. I did hear Niall whisper "Goodnight Princess, sweet dreams" then kissed the top of my head.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ