Chapter Six

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I woke up in my bunk. Oh my god I transported in my sleep. I looked at my clock it was only half nine but I fell asleep quite early.

I opened my curtain to see all the boys curtains still closed. what to do know?

I just laid my head on my pillow. Wish I could see Ben! I could if I had my phone.

I got out of my bunk and went into the toilet.

As I was leaving the toilet I noticed Niall's phone on the sofa. I looked back at the bunk, no one in sight. Good enough for me.

I walked over to the sofa then picked up Niall's phone. I sat down on sofa with my legs up, So if anyone did come in they wouldn't see the phone.

I unlocked it as it had no password on it. Ha! What an idiot!

I opened the twitter app, logged out of his fan covered twitter. I logged into mine. I checked my mentions first which surprisingly were quite busy.

I saw I was getting a lot of tweets with me, Ben and zayn mentioned in them. I am really confused?

I clicked onto Bens twitter profile. He hadn't tweeted Zayn anything so wasn't him who set them off.

So I went on Zayn's and yep it was him. He tweeted
"@Zaynmaik: @Benjsmith Stay away from my sister! I have told you once already, Don't make me come find you again. #Twat"

Is Zayn trying to piss me off because if he is then its bloody working. I saw that #BenIsATwat, #ProtectiveBigBrotherZayn and #BenDoAsYourTold trending. Which is also pissing me off. I went into my DMs and saw I had some messages from Ben.

He told me "If things like what happened today on Twitter keep happening then I don't know how long are relationship is going to last, Specially when I can't even see you!"

"Please Ben, I love you but I can't do anything about my brother !" I sent back to him.

I got an instant reply from him. "Well how is going to work if your brother hates my guts? You know you could always leave your brother and your family and move in with me?"

"What? I can't do that Ben ! I'm only 16, I need my family including my brother" I told him straight.

"Well Ash its me or them? Take your pick?" He told me. I could not believe he is asking me to pick between him and my family. Why the hell is being such an arse?

"Ben? Why are you being such an arse? You can't make me pick?" I asked him.

"Ashlea I can and will so pick?" he told me.

"I think its clear that I am gonna pick my brother and my family" I told him.

I can't believe its going to end so quickly after being through so much. Its not fair he is such an arse for making me pick. I then started getting watery eyes.

"I was hoping you would say that. It just means me and your best friend Jessica don't have to hide behinds everyone's back, now I can fuck and everyone can know about it. Enjoy tour life babe" He told me.
I just logged out of twitter and put Niall's phone down. Climbed back into my bunk. I just closed my eyes and cried. I couldn't believe it. I have just lost both my boyfriend and my best friend.

I soon wore myself out and fell asleep.

"Niall why didn't you get Ash up? when you woke us?" Zayn asked.

"Because when I got up about half ten, I could here her crying but not like a painful cry like a hurt broken cry and I thought you would be the best to talk to her as your her brother" Niall told Zayn.

"You sure it was Ash?" Louis asked confused.

"Positive" Niall told him.

"She's clearly gotten hold off Ben then, Liam can you get onto her twitter again? So I can see what's been said before I talk to her" Zayn asked him.

"Yeah sure" Liam said.

I just pulled the cover over my head more trying to block out the noise.

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now