Chapter Three

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"Alright guys off Ashlea now she needs to get back into bed" Zayn told them.

They got off me & I walked back into bed then crossed my arms and pouted.

"What you pouting about?" Zayn asked.

"They gave me too much love and you wouldn't help"

"Oh Ash."

"So when can I leave Zaynny?"

"Once you have eaten some food, Which was the reason you fainted you haven't eaten enough food"

"Okay Niall go get me a Maccy D's meal" Niall got up to go.

"NIALL! What did I just tell you?"

"Not to give in to her Junk food habits, Oh right"

"Noo, I'm not eating there shit they call food"

"But the sooner you do, The sooner you can leave"

"Hate it when your right" I mumbled.

"I ordered chicken nuggets, Sweet corn, Peas and Beans"

"But I want a maccy D's please go Niall" I said looking at him with puppy eyes and pouting. I could see in his eyes he was giving in. Harry then jumped up and covered Niall's eyes.

"Don't look into her eyes, Their evil"

Then the nurse came in with food put it on my tray.

"Enjoy" she said then left. I looked at it then too Zayn as if I was asking him if he was serious.

"You are eating that whole meal Ash" Zayn said sternly.

"What? But it looks gross, I think I actually saw the beans move!" I said looking at it.

"Please Niall?" I said looking at him pleading him with watery eyes.

"Boys? She looks like she's gonna cry" Niall told them I could see Louis and Liam feeling sorry for me.

"It's a trick, Don't fall for it" Zayn told them. He knew me well but not well enough.

I then picked up the folk and started eating but I was silent crying too.

"Zayn! She's bloody crying!"

"Ash what's wrong? Why you crying?"

"The food taste rank its also making me feel sick and ill"

"Well just hurry up and eat it then baby girl" Zayn told me

"I can't take this" Niall said then left the room. I stop eating and look at the door.

"Ash you keep eating, one of the boys will go see Niall to make sure he's alright" Zayn told me and then Liam left the room.

I finished it in the end and Zayn moved my tray, Climbed onto my bed then pulled me and held me in a tight hug.

Few minutes later, Liam walks in by himself.

"Where's Niall?" Louis asks.

"You know how sensitive he is, So he got a little upset about it and he didn't want Ashlea seeing him like this it might upset her even more but he's out in the waiting room."

After he said that, It did upset me a little more knowing I made Niall cry.

"Harry can you go get the doctor please?" Zayn asked.

"Sure" Harry left.

"Why do I need a doctor?" I asked a nervous.

"Don't worry baby girl, Its just to sign you out so we can leave" He told me kissing the top of my head.

"Yes! great idea" I said which made Zayn laugh at how excited I got.

Just then Harry and the doctor walked in.

"I just got to check your blood pressure first Ashlea then you can sign out" The doctor told me.

He then put the blood pressure thing on my arm. He started pumping the thing and it was really tight.


"Yeah Ash?"

"I think I need the next size up, Its really tight on my arm" He laughed and shook his head.

"Ash its meant to be that tight" Liam tells me.

"Oh" which made him laugh a bit. I then look and saw Niall stood in the doorway.

I move both arms wave and ended up hitting the doctor in the head with forearm.

"Oh Ash" Zayn said.

The doctor then pulled the thing of my arm and I ran to Niall. I held his waist tightly.

"Niall come to save me Zayn keeps laughing at everything I say then the doctor started squeezing my arm really tight also the others just sat there watching me but you love me and came to save me"

"Oh Ash life would be so boring without you!"

"Thank you I think" Niall then nods his head laughing at me.

"Can she sign out?" Zayn asked the doctor.

"Yes she's free go" He told him.

"Boys I'm gonna realise her, Can you get her ready to leave and also still don't give into her junk food issue"

"That's another thing Ashlea?" the doctor said


"You need to cut down on your junk food, Your sugar levels are too high!"

"Ohh" I moan. Then Zayn and the doctor left.

"Come on you three! why are you still sat down? My shoes are not gonna put them selves on?" I said cheekily to them.

They was just shaking there head at me so I just laughed at them. I then sat down and put them on.

Harry passed me Zayn's coat

"Why you giving me this?" I asked.

"He insisted you wore it" Harry told me.

"Okay" I said putting it on then. Just as I was walking out the room Niall took my hand.

"Your hand is still grounded from your little flirt issue you had at the airport"

"Niall" I whined.

"What's all the whining about?" Zayn asked walking up to us.

I took a deep breath then said "Nothing Zayn"

"Good now, Let's go" He told me

I walked out the hospital and there was casually there tour bus.

We loaded onto the bus. Niall went and sat on the sofa watching TV. So I went and cuddled too him.

"Sorry for making you cry Niall" I told him.

"What? You didn't make me cry?"

"Well if I didn't cry, You wouldn't have cried."

"Its not your fault you were upset, I just hate seeing people I care about so much upset and crying knowing I can't do anything about it"

I then kissed Niall's check. "Thank you"

"For what?"

"Caring so much!"

"I always will Ash, You really should remember that"

I then put my head on his chest then my eyes felt heaver and heaver before I knew it I was in dream world.

*Also sorry but if you can read this [meaning the little note below] inbox me about it if not don't worry! Please vote and comment*

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