Chapter Thirty Eight!

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"Maybe it's to do with fact I actually might love you but who fucking cares anyway!!" I shout storming off away from Niall...

I start walking off to the bathroom and I see all the boys looking over at us from all the noise that came from us but there's no way anyone actual heard what was said. I go into the toilet even though I didn't need the toilet.
Just needed to get away from everything. Have a breather.
There was then a knock on the door.

"Ashlea please can I talk to you."
"I want to be left alone. Please go away" I tell him.
"Think it would be best if you spoke to me. Please Ash. Your clearly upset" he begs.
I start crying at the fact I may have actual destroyed something good in my life not that Zayn would allow it anyway.
"Please just go" I tell him. He can clearly tell I am crying.

I heard his footsteps leave. "Ashlea it's Zayn. Open the door " Zayn tell me.  Don't know what made him think that i would open the door to him if I wouldn't to Harry. Stupid boys I give up. I just wish I never told Harry anything now. What my life is full of mistakes.
I heard Zayn seat outside the door. "Please Ash, I may not have been the best big brother over the years but I am here for you now. I really feel like I let you down. " Zayn tells me making me cry even more.

"I don't see the point in telling anyone anything anymore! I was going to tell Doniya but she was too busy shouting about and threatening to tell you I am being a little shit. Then I told Niall and he reacts so angry he scared me." I tell Zayn crying.

"baby please open the door and let comfort you. Your really upset I can hear it. All I want to do right now is comfort you. You can talk to me whenever your ready. Your not in the right state of mind." Zayn tells me. I decide to give in to Zayn.
I unlock the door making Zayn fall at my feet as he was still sat leaning against it. He jumps up and hugs me.

"I was so scared you were going to hurt yourself. It's what Niall thought too" he tells me. "Niall thought that?" I ask shocked. He nods his head. "Why didn't he try and help?" I ask confused and hurt at the same time.

"He thought he would make things worse as he is the reason you were in there in the first place" Zayn tells me. "Oh" I say looking down. Zayn take my hand. "Let's get seated the plane want to land" Zayn tells me walking to some seats at the back away from Everyone.

We put seat belts on and I just put my head in Zayn's chest. Who just played with my hair.
I was just staring into space ignoring everything around me. I think we had landed as someone came over to speak to Zayn but I wasn't paying attention or listening. I noticed the noise left.

Zayn shook me a bit to get my attention. "We need to go. Can you go get your stuff" Zayn tells me. I get up and do so. Niall's stuff was still here which meant he was around somewhere so I put my headphones on with music full blast grabbed my stuff and as I was walking off I bumped into Niall which I just looked down and kept walking. He had been crying I could tell by his eyes.
I walked off the plane and got in the SUV.  Sat in the window seat in the middle row.

Soon the boys started piling into the van. I looked over to them at the time Niall was getting in who looked right at me in the eye and I just turned my head. I could tell they were aruguing over who got stuck next to me. Which it ended up being Louis. Just fucking great.
It was a long drive ahead. I was chilling listening to music not bothered about what is going on around me. I noticed Louis shouting something to the person behind me. Then they kicked my hair. I turn round to see Harry who pointed to Niall who pointed to Louis next to me. I took my headphones off.

"What do you losers want?" I ask. "Zayn was trying to talk to you and you clearly had your music to loud. Louis was too scared if he touched you that you would stab him." Harry tells me. I raise my eye at Louis who just smiled.
"Anyway Ashlea were getting take out tonight what do you want?"
I ain't hungry and since Niall ain't talking to me he probably won't say anything. "I'm not hungry I ain't a big lunch on the plane" I tell them.

"Wow! You ain't plane food and your still alive " Louis says shocked. "She's lying. She didn't eat anything" Niall says telling Zayn then looking back out the window. "The only time you decide to talk when I am around and it's you snitching me up!" I groan at Niall. "REMEMBER YOUR THE ONE THAT STORMED OFF!" Niall shouts.

"YOUR THE ONE NOT MAN ENOUGH TO COME AFTER ME!" I shout back. "WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT MEN?!? NOT AS IF YOU EVER DATED ONE! ALL YOU EVER DATED WAS A BABYSITTER WITH SEXUAL ADVANCEDS!!" Niall shouts back. That's deep. That's too far. That's hurt full. I look at him shocked. He went there. I put my head phones in. Full blast to the point they could hear the music. My hood up. My sun glasses on and put my head in the pillow.

*Louis POV*

"Well that's just made the awkwardness in the air really thick well done Niall!!" Harry tells him.
"That just made it 100 times worse" Niall tells everyone. "Yeah and now she's going to cry to herself. Thanks Niall." Zayn tells him. Niall just rolls his eyes and looks out the window.

*Second update in one week. You guys should be proud. How are you guys liking the storyline? Please vote and comment!! Love you guys*

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