Chapter Nine

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I feel asleep during the movie but just as I was in between sleep and awake Luke spoke. "Guys I think we should tell Zayn that its not a good idea for Ashlea to hang out with us!"

"Why the hell would you think that?" Ashton asked.

"She is just using us so she can get away from her brother and the other boys! There must be a reason they don't let her do much! She's probably trouble!" Luke told the guys.

"I think your wrong Luke I just think that they care for her to much which is too much for her! So she just wants some get away time which I for one support her for! What about you guys you supporting me or Luke?" Ashton asked.

"I'm not getting involved in this!" Michael told them.

"Yeah, you too need to sort it out your self's!" Calum said.

I started waking up fully now so they noticed.

"Look who's awake! Did you have a nice sleep?" Ashton asked me. I just nodded not awake enough for a conversation.

"So did you want something to eat you must be starving?" Michael asked me.

"No, actually I'm fine; thank you" I told him. I am starving but Luke hates me enough. I don't think I should push it with him.

"How can you not be hungry? I think we should order pizza" Michael said.

No-one said anything.

"Fuck this awkwardness! I'm just going to order pizza" Michael said getting up to order pizza.

So now there's 4.

"Everything okay Ashlea? You seem......What's the word....hmm....quiet?" Ash asked.

"Me I'm fine, How about you Luke how you doing?" I said turning to Luke who would not stop glaring.

"I'm good" He told me.

"Look Luke I know I'm attractive and hot and everything but can you please stop starring! Its not going to make you any hotter by starring at me out of pure jealously!" I told Luke.

Luke stood up just as the door opened and Zayn walked in. "Alright lads?" Zayn asked. "No actually can I have a word with you outside Zayn" Luke asked. "Sure bro". They left the room.

"Great! Nice meeting you lads but probably not going to see you again now" I told them and they looked at me with sympathetically.

They walked back through the door. "Thanks for letting her hang out with you guys! But we must be going; come on Ash" Zayn said.

I stood up and so did Ashton who hugged me then gave me a kiss on the check. "It was great fun hanging out with you today Ashlea! Let's do again sometime but maybe not with so many people!" He said then I blushed big time.

I waved by to everyone else then walked over to Zayn. Who hugged me then kissed the top of my head. He then took my hand. "See you later lads" Zayn said leaving.

We walked to the tour bus and walked onto it. All the lads were in the lounge watching Spongebob...

Niall patted the sit next to him so I went and sat down. He put his arm around me then said. "How was it?"

"It was good; I guess" I told him.

"She's got a thing for Ashton" Zayn said.

"Zayn" I whined.

"I could see it in your eyes and his plus even if I didn't noticed that! I would have realized when he said 'Let's hang again sometime but maybe not with so many people'!" Zayn told me.

"Our Ashlea has got herself a little boyfriend!" Harry teased.

"No she has not! It is a crush and that's all there ever be! I do not trust them boys enough for you to date them Ashlea!" Zayn told me sternly.

"Yes Zayn" I told him and cuddled into Zayn a bit upset over the fact they can all tease me over this crush but he can't even be more than that! I am 16 not 6!

"Right now let's have a talk about what Luke said before we sort out dinner" Zayn said. I lifted my head from Niall chest but not by much just enough too see Zayn's face.

"Why are you so cuddle anyway?" Zayn asked.

"I fell asleep watching a movie earlier with the lads and I'm still sleepy" I told him.

"Awe how cute Ash! But anyway Luke told me he don't mind you hanging out with the boys. There is conditions under this tho. You need to learn when to shut up because Luke told me he was so close to hitting you today and also you are not to get into a relationship with any of the lads he don't want to have to put up with cheesy couple shit! I completely forbid you from dating Ashton or any of the other boys anyway! Is that clear Ashlea?" Zayn explained to me.

"Yes Zayn" I told him.

"Good now we got pizza and chips for dinner tonight" He told.

"Is it take out?"

"Yeah Ash but your okay to have the same as us tonight" I told her. Who smiled.

"How long is it going to take for it to get here? I'm hungry and tried!" I told him.

"I haven't ordered it yet Ash so why don't you go lay down and I'll wake you when its here!" Zayn told me.

I lifted my arms up. "Carry me?" I asked him pulling the puppy eyes.

"Fine but only because your my baby girl and I love you too much to say no to you!" Zayn told me taking me from Niall's arms and carrying me brides maid style to my bunk.

He then put me into the comforter and kissed my head. "Goodnight baby girl; I love you!" He whispered into my ear.

*Thank you for your votes and support also I'm going to be setting goals for the amount of votes I want to get before my next update so the first one is 15!

I would like you all to go check out this book I am in love with! Its called 'DARK (Zayn malik)' by priya2101. This book is better then a lot of the dark books I have read. I extremely recommend it and She is a great writer so go read her book. Much love to all my loud readers and too my silent ones you are great people! *

The not so cool brother that is Zayn Malik (BSM) (One direction and 5sos story)Where stories live. Discover now