My eyes widened. Siphon power. "Okay, can you siphon a creature like me?" I asked her. She looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. "I mean, theoretically, yeah, but my hands are stuck." Josie said looking down at her hands. I sighed not knowing what else to do. "Unless..." Josie spoke before I felt her lips crash into my own. My eyes went wide at the sudden gesture. She pulled away for a second before kissing me again. I could feel power being transferred over to her. She pulled back and looked at me. "That was...unexpected." I said having my breath taken. I could feel my face was flushed. She looked away. "Sorry." She apologized. "Don't be." I said shaking my head looking at her. Snap out of it! "Uh, did it work?" I asked trying to slow my excited heart. "I don't know. The room's still spinning." She answered. I froze and looked down at her. "That makes two of us." I said before I heard footsteps. I looked past Josie to see a teenager walk in. "Hey!" Rafael yelled. "Hey, we're trapped up here!" Rafael yelled. "Hey! Asshole!" I shouted when I saw it was Connor. Connor slowly turned and looked at us. "Damn." Rafael stated. "That's not Connor." I whispered loud enough for the others to hear. "What?" Josie asked. "I think we just found our consumer." I said calmly. Connor began to shed his skin as another creature's head took its place. "Remind me to throw out and burn any of the Spider-Man comics I might have if we get out of this alive." I said as Connor began to climb the wall. It began to get closer. "Josie." I said drawing out the sound of her name. She aimed her hand at the monster and screamed. "Ignarious!" Josie said as a pillar of fire shot out of her hand. Conn--I mean the monster fell to the floo smoking. "All right, I think you got him." Rafael said with a smile. As I stared at Connor with wide eyes. "Or we just pissed him off." Josie said. "Ho-ly. Shit." I said staring at giant spider that now stood where Connor previously was. 

The spider disappeared out of the building. "I'll just go ahead and put this on the Worst Day of My Life list right under number 1." I said sarcastically beginning to lose my cool. Which is something I'm not known for. "What's number 1?" Rafael asked. "The deaths of my parents. It was a two part show. First my mother sacrificed herself to kill a Purist vampire. Then, my father died taking in a bunch of dark magic and killed himself. Well Uncle Elijah killed him with consent and my father killed my uncle with consent. So if you think about it. I lost three people in the course of about a week." I said killing the mood dramatically. "Damn." Rafael said. "Sorry..." I said shutting my eyes and dropping my head. "Why? When's the last time you talked to someone about that?" Josie asked. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Since they died? Never. Unless you count my Aunt Freya comforting after telling me my father was finally dead and when I woke up to find out that my mother was dead." I rambled before a the room was filled with an echoing screech. I slowly looked up and saw the spider was back. Josie let out a scream of terror as the spider jumped and was perched straight above us. Rafael froze in fear as Josie kept screaming. I turned my body inward to where I was now standing between Josie and the spider. "Josie! Look at me! Look at me. Look at me. Look at my eyes." I said our foreheads touching. Her eyes filled with tears that were close to trailing down her beautiful face. "Just. Look. Right. At. Me." I said calmly as the spider roared. She closed her eyes and I did the same.

"Hey! Douchebag!" A voice shouted after a loud clang echoed. "Oh." The same voice added. "I hate spiders." Another announced. My eyes snapped open as I looked to the left and saw my sister. I looked back at Josie. "You need to get us out of here." I said calmly. Her body was trembling against mine. "Crap." Josie said before leaning forward and kissing me again. She pulled away and looked at the webs. "Uanascar." She whispered and the webs fell away from her body. She stepped out and did the same to Rafael. She then looked at me and pulled me out. "Look who's the hero now?" I said with a smile rubbing my wrists as Rafael grabbed Sasha. "Lizzie, I need your help!" I heard Hope say. "Josie! Take my hand!" Hope said with extended arms. The two Saltzman twins grabbed each of Hope's hands. I watched from above my eyes glowing bright yellow. Oh so now I have power? You weren't just about to die then. I rolled my eyes and watched as the Spider flew back into the balcony where I stood. "Whoa!" I exclaimed flying back into the wall. "Hope. It didn't work." Lizzie told her. I groaned as I got to my feet. "Ow." I strained standing up. I stumbled over to the giant hole that the spider fell through. I looked down at it before flames enveloped the entirety of my body. Fangs elongated within the confines of my mouth. I jumped into the hole and landed next to the spider. A fiery tail shot out from behind me and grabbed the spider by one of its legs. Then another and another and another. Until eight fiery tails were holding the giant arachnid in the sky by its legs. The last remaining tail flew towards the spider's chest. "STILES DON'T!" Hope yelled. I looked over my shoulder with now fiery orange eyes. I looked at Josie and growled as I looked back the spider. The tail drove through the chest and the spider exploded into tiny chunks. The flames died down and the nine flaming tails retreated back behind me and disappeared. I took a deep breath before collapsing to the floor out of exhaustion. "Stiles!" Josie yelled running over to me and helping me to my feet. I was covered in soot and the once infamous shirt of Klaus Mikaelson was now in pieces on the ground. "Why did you do that?" Josie asked me. " wanted to kill you." I said before blacking out.

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