C195. Dine Out, Family Affairs, National Affairs, Hua Lan, Hacking...(121.2)

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At that time they had gone to the restaurant, Minglan had enjoyed eating the food there a lot. Ever since then, Gu Tingye always brought the specialty dishes from all the famous restaurants. Sometimes, it was the grilled ginger flavor ribs wrapped by lotus leaf. Sometimes it was the three fresh delicacies soup in thick bamboo tube. He even found duck blood soup with vermicelli and wonton filled with chopped wild mushrooms from the roadside stands at some unknown corners. The dishes were all super tasty and delicious. While Minglan was enjoying the food, she almost swallowed the spoon. Gu Tingye really lived up to his reputation that he had never brought a same dish back home until now.

As Minglan ate those food, she couldn't help sigh inwardly, 'It's not the lack of beauty in life, but the lack of the eyes to find the beauty'. Marrying to a rich guy still had some advantages after all. At least, Changbai was not able to find so many delicacies of all kinds.

Every time Minglan glutted herself with food, Gu Tingye would watch her eating smilingly. Minglan who only focused on eating never noticed that her husband was actually observing her in a weird way as if he was waiting for something. When they had nothing else to do, they would chat about everything from the anecdotes in all corners of the country to the affairs happened in the imperial court. Gu Tingye fancied the warm and lovely aura in the room. Sometimes they would chatter for so long that Sir Gongsun who had waited in the outer study for a long while couldn't help order someone to call Gu Tingye over.

After a few times, Sir Gongsun couldn't help but sigh deeply, "No wonder why Sir Fangweng's mother had to let him divorce Tang Wan!" Once the couple was too close, the man tended to make no attempt to make progress.

However, hearing Sir Gongsun's words, Minglan flashed a light in her eyes and asked right away, "I heard that the second husband of Madam Tang was even more handsome with a more powerful family. Is that true?" In her previous life, she had heard of that story.

As Sir Gongsun was about to speak, he detected the fierce expression in Gu Tingye's eyes. Then he only coughed gently and said with a stern look, "There's no such thing. After she had married to another man, she was depressed the whole time and missed her first husband all day."

Then, Gu Tingye refilled Sir Gongsun's cup with tea smilingly.

Gongsun Baishi was from a middle class gentry family in Southern Prefecture Shan. After he had failed in the Eight-Part Essay Exam, he had chosen to abandon himself to nature since his elder brother was able to take care of his parents and his family was rich enough to spare him from the anxiety of the livelihood. He had visited lots of celebrities on his journey and talked about the current politics freely. He had also traveled through famous historic and cultural sites over the past twenty years. Afterwards, he had began to explore the remote areas. A few years ago, he had run into a group of bandits who had no work ethics in the wilderness. Not only had these guys wanted to rob him, they had also wanted to kill him. Luckily, Gu Tingye who had passed by had saved Sir Gongsun's life.

Sir Gongsun who had been very grateful to Gu Tingye had started to work as the latter's private adviser. After Sir Gongsun's elder brother had deceased, Sir Gongsun's parents had found it hard to teach his nephew, Gongsun Meng who also had no interest in studying and attending the imperial examination. Therefore, they had sent this boy to live with Sir Gongsun, hoping that the boy could learn something from his uncle and also gain some experiences by Gu Tingye's side. Gongsun Meng had only considered his life with Gu Tingye as a leisure-time activity like a short-time rest during his travel. However, the luck had turned in Gu Tingye's favor afterwards, which also benefited Sir Gongsun. Nowadays, he was the number one adviser by Gu Tingye's side and had made a name for himself in the capital.

Ever since Gu Tingye had been in a high position, he who had confidence in his own skill in martial arts was not willing to bring any bodyguards with him. Nevertheless, under Gongsun Meng's insistence, when Gu Tingye went out of the capital, he would still be accompanied by private guards from the army and when he walked inside of the city, he would be followed by bodyguards including the masters in martial arts like Tu Long and Tu Hu. Gongsun Meng would also follow the Tu brothers to learn some skills and read some books if he had time.

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