C2 - What's Up with Hell's Sentencing System These Days?

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At the east side of the household was a magnificent lotus pond. The view there was breathtaking, especially when the sunset hit the edge of the pond. The inner room was stiflingly hot, thankfully the cold wind gently blew in the courtyard as a few young maids at the courtyard were cracking melon seeds between their teeth as they gossiped. Not a single person remained inside the room to serve Yao Yiyi, leaving her to lie on the beech bed alone in a half-dead state.

Yao Yiyi buries her meatball like body into the heap of pillows. Her arms and legs were spread out and there was a dull look on her face. Yao Yiyi had always been in a lifeless state, ever since she came to this world. She turns her small head to examine the room, it looked exactly like one of those ancient rooms in those tv shows. There was a round table in the middle of the room, Yao Yiyi wasn't sure what wood was used to make it but it was definitely high quality. At the side, leaning on the wall, was a wooden cabinet and some small round stools beside it. The wooden cabinet had flower engravings that seemed to imitate the eight gods sailing through the sea.

Yao Yiyi was starting to feel thirsty, so she got off the bed. Since the southern people were used to wooden floors, she didn't feel a chill when her barefeet touched the ground. Once she was in front of the round table, she sees a small stool next to another longer stool placed under the table. Yao Yiyi didn't know whether to be mad or glad about the situation yet she still stepped on the small stool, then proceeded to climb up the bigger stool and table edge until she finally reached the table top, safely. On top of the table was a heavy kettle, pulling it closer to her mouth, she drank the water directly from the kettle..

After drinking, she went back to bed. Once in bed she suddenly noticed the lingering fragrance inside her cheeks. Yao Yiyi' realized belatedly, 'Oh it's not plain water today...That was tea, really good tea.'

A few days ago, she had woken up from thirst, similar to today. That day she had taken a cup of water and drank it by herself when, suddenly, some people had come in. The one leading them was an old mama who looked as if she had been struck by lightning. Watching the young girl climbing to get herself a drink made her heart beat as if she was suffering a heart attack. Immediately, she scolded the courtyard's servants and properly consoled and pacified Yao Yiyi. But Yao Yiyi had just came to this world two days ago and thus, still didn't understand what was happening. After arriving to this new world, unable to see her father, mother, wet nurse or personal maid, she had no idea where she was. Before, the only people she seen were a group of busy people, entering and exiting her room constantly. She hadn't recognized their faces. Therefore, she could only dull-wittedly listen and not having any reaction. The old mama had just sighed and said, 'pitiful' a few times before leaving.

Yao Yiyi found herself constantly being pitied. Actually, she wanted to say that she felt more comfortable without anyone in the room. Always having to act calm when, in fact, she is terrified is...relatively difficult.

When she's alone in the room, if she wants to stretch her legs, then she can just stretch. If she wants to lean like a frog, then she can just lean like a frog. The solitude was also unexpectedly useful for recovering from the shock of time-travelling. After the day old mama left, the servants immediately improved their service. They started placing some food and desserts on the table, and stored the teas in the teapots. Taking Yao Yiyi's height into consideration, they made "stairs" from various stools to make climbing up and down easier. They even placed a plate of freshly washed grapes on the table yesterday, such considerate people. Afterwards, they went out to entertain themselves again.

Yao Yiyi was extremely touched.

Waves of voices from the courtyard suddenly entered the room. Yao Yiyi didn't have to strain her ears to hear them clearly. Currently, the Sheng household was going through violent changes. The lonely courtyard's maids gathered their spirits and started gossiping like wildfire about the recent activities.

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