C145. The Discussions About the Dowry (2)

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Wangshi suddenly had a bad feeling. So she raised her head to look at her husband and said with indignation, "And why shouldn't I ask? Since you have already asked, I will definitely give the same amount of dowries to the two girls! But they are both the granddaughters of Old Madam! Is Old Madam planning to treat them differently?"

Sheng Hong replied coldly, "Although Old Madam has put the words that she would add one thousand and five hundred ounces of silver to each girl, she still presented Hualan way more than that! You think I don't know about that?"

Wang shi argued closely, "But Hualan was raised by Old Madam since her childhood!" Then she stopped talking abruptly. Because she remembered that Minglan had also been raised by Old Madam Sheng.

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Sheng Hong couldn't conceal the disappointment in his eyes when he was staring at Wang shi. He said slowly, "My mother has already paid a lot of money for helping me with my career. Now I won't let anyone covet on her savings! She can give her money to whichever person she wants!"

Then Wang shi thought, 'Of course you won't mind how much money she would give to each daughter, since you gave birth to all the girls.'

Sheng Hong glared at Wang shi and eased his tone, "Old Madam is a sentimental person. It's reasonable for her to add more money to Hualan and Minglan's dowries since she has raised them. We have already disobeyed her by forcing Minglan to marry to Gu Tingye for Rulan. You cannot say a word about how much Old Madam would give Minglan as her dowries! Otherwise..."

As he spoke that, he thumped on the table fiercely, which even made Wang shi tremble. After that, he shouted angrily, "For all these years you have married into our family, you are disobedient to your mother-in-law and unkind to the illegal children who were given birth by my concubines! I have only tolerated you for so long for the sake of your mother and your brother. Do you really think that I know nothing about that? Also, do you really have nothing to do with Wei shi's death?"

Hearing that, Wang shi trembled violently with her face turning deadly pale as if she had been stricken by a lightning. Ever since she had become a devout believer in Buddha dharma, she started to believe the retribution for sin as she heard the Buddhist abbots preaching over and over again. Moreover, Concubine Lin had already paid for what she had done by living in poverty on the country estate and Molan also had a bad time in Liang family. Wang shi couldn't help but wonder what kind of punishment she would get.

With her face as white as a sheet, she said in a low voice, "As you wish, my master."

Though Wang shi was a bit narrow-minded and always acted begrudgingly, she was still a decisive person. Once she agreed to it, she wouldn't change her mind.

The second day, she entrusted the family issues to her daughter-in-law, "... I will have to leave at the beginning of the next year, and these days I still need to prepare the dowries for your two sisters. You have to take charge of the affairs in our family now. If you have any questions about preparing the New Year's presents, you can come to me, or Old Madam after I leave. I understand if you will feel uncomfortable or reluctant to move due to your pregnancy. Just call Rulan and Minglan to help whenever you need."

Hai shi had already taken charge of most of the family affairs, so Wang shi's order seemed pretty simple to her. As Hai shi agreed to everything Wang shi had said, she also noticed Wang shi's red eyes and became suspicious. The next few days, Hai shi heard that Wang shi wanted to open the storeroom to take out the silks and brocades as well as the valuable timbers in stock. Also, Hai shi learned that all the things which had been taken out were divided into two parts equally. Then she understood why Wang shi had been depressed.

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