C88. Brother Changbai Has A Good Wife (2)

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Before he finished speaking, the thick cotton-padded door curtain was opened from outside. Molan stood at the door, clenching her fists, her face livid with rage. Minglan could not help but step back. She secretly waved at Changdong behind her back and gave Xiaotao an allusive look.

"It is typical of you to do so!" Molan sneered and slowly approached Minglan, "I never expect that you would be such a greedy girl." Her eyes reddened, burning with anger in her heart. Some maids tried to stop her, but she pushed them out of the room and bolted the door.

Minglan said in a low voice, "Be careful what you say. Even if you don't care about your own reputation, you should think of the fame of our family." Minglan wasn't afraid of fighting with Molan, but if they really came to blows and that was known by outsiders, they would both be regarded as narrow-minded and malicious ladies.

Molan's face twisted, and she shout out in anger, "You fucking bitch! You always talk some empty philosophies into me. Today I won't listen to you. I will teach you a lesson!" She came up and overturned the round table. The cup full of hot tea on the table was smashed to pieces and a few drops of the hot liquid spattered on Changdong's face and hands.

Minglan didn't expect Molan to be so fierce and tough. She looked at Changdong covering his face and the back of his hands, with pity and concern. Then she turned to Molan and said with a smile, "Sister, you are versed in both literature and martial arts. You can not only compose poems but also overturn a table. If I have done something wrong to you, please forgive me. Anyway, you have given vent to your anger."

But Molan became even angrier when she saw the ermine muff. She pointed at Minglan, her beautiful face distorted with fury, and scolded, "You shameless slut! You once said that you wouldn't compete with me. But you talked nonsense! I used to think you are a good girl, but now I see that you are a real bitch. You say one thing and do quite another..."

Changdong was completely stunned, speechless. Molan lost her head and even mentioned Old Madam Sheng in her curses. Although Minglan remained expressionless, she was annoyed by Molan's remarks. Minglan said in a calm tone, "You must be possessed by the devil. Now you look like a foul-mouthed bully. I'm going to ask a doctor to check you up." Minglan had intended not to conflict with Molan, but now she decided to teach her a lesson.

After saying that, Minglan began to walk toward the door and count her steps in mind. As expected, Molan immediately rushed to her, pushed her down on the floor and gave her a slap. Minglan gritted her teeth and didn't try to dodge, so in the next second, she got a slap in the face.

Molan was dumbfounded. Her original intention was to scold Minglan and smash the ornaments in the room. But now looking at Minglan's beautiful face, she had a sudden impulse to disfigure it. So she picked up a piece of broken china and was about to cut Minglan's face.

Minglan had achieved her goal, so she decidedly pushed Molan aside, stuck her foot out and tripped Molan. She touched her burning cheek lightly with her hands. Though she didn't look in the mirror, she knew that there must be a red handprint on her face now because her skin was delicate and easy to be hurt.

Minglan came close to Molan and caught hold of her arms. In the eyes of others, the two sisters grabbed each other and got in a tangle. Minglan whispered in Molan's ear, "I want to tell you one thing. You mother married into Sheng Mansion on January, and your older brother was born on May of that year. A woman is pregnant for ten months before her child is born. Sister, do you know that your mother was pregnant before marriage?"

Molan blushed, struggling desperately, and continued cursing. Minglan moved close to her and said in a smooth voice, "You mother is a real bitch. She says one thing but does quite another. In the past, Grandmother kept your mother by her side and treated her well. She pretended to be grateful for Grandmother's care and concern, but secretly slept with Father. She bit the hand that fed her!"

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