C155. Flower Wedding (4)

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Seeing Minglan kept rubbing the back of her waist, Xiaotao walked over and kneaded Minglan's waist. Xiaotao really had a gift in massaging with the pressure she gave being always to the point. Minglan hummed inwardly because of the comfortable feeling. However, since the two new maids were still standing in the corner of the room, she could only put on a dignified smile and called them over, "What's your name?"

The two maids seemed to be terrified. Then the older one of them stepped forward reverently and answered, "Madam, my name is Xiahe and her name is Xiazhu. We were sent by the Master to serve you."

After all, Minglan had lived ten years of high-fed life in Sheng family. When she observed the two girls, she found them being very respectful and prudent but also a little bit nervous and lacking the natural and graceful manner. Then Minglan realized that those two girls hadn't been officially trained as the inner yard's maid. She made an assumption that they might have only been trained over the past six months.

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Generally speaking, all of the maids of the prestigious families were trained from their childhood. They would enter into the inner yard when they were around ten years old and learned the appropriate manners. There were rules about how to eat, behave, make tea, dress the lady, do the cleaning, balance the account. Even the way they spoke or treat the guests would be taught. Besides, they were around the noble ladies all day, so they were also to be influenced by what they constantly saw and heard.

As the saying went, 'Man would rather marry a maid from a respectable family than a lady from a normal family. Minglan used to turn up her nose at that saying. However, after she had seen Mama Fang's strict and detailed training, Minglan had to admit that all the sayings made senses. Moreover, Mama Fang had also claimed regrettably that the training in Sheng family had already been simplified. She also said that if Minglan lived in Marquis Yongyi's mansion, at least half of the maids who were serving Minglan now would be driven away!

Xiaotao had been scared by Mama Fang's words a lot that she couldn't even sleep for several nights, having feared that she might be kicked out.

Therefore, the chapter in those films when a Childe saved a girl who wanted to sell herself to someone in order to bury her dead father and later the girl felt so grateful and begged the Childe to serve him for her whole life would never happen in the real rich families. Even if a Childe did have saved a girl, he would let the Mama in his family to train the girl first. Then the girl had to learn the rules and the manners from the beginning. So by no means would the girl be able to serve the Childe right away! In case the only thing the girl wanted was to seduce the Childe instead of repaying the debt of gratitude! The people in the ancient times were quite sharp-sighted. Those stupid soap operas were just so unrealistic.

So far, it seemed that Gu Tingye didn't trust the person in Marquis Ningyuan's mansion so he had chosen to recruit the servants by himself. It was said that the emperor had also rewarded him lots of servants along with the country estates and the manors. However, Minglan still didn't know where those two girls had come from.

Seeing Minglan remaining silent, Xiahe showed a terrified look on her face. Minglan glanced at her and then said with a smile, "You have a beautiful name. Who named you this?"

Xiahe let out a sigh of relief secretly and answered, "It's Momo Chang. She named me that because we were picked up in the mansion in summer.(T/N: In Chinese, Xia meant summer)

Minglan remembered their names to herself. She kind of liked those two girls because of their quick tongue and easy manners. At the same time, Xiaotao couldn't help but voice her opinion, "You two have good, I mean, perfect names."

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