C116. The Return of He Hongwen

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Proofread by DragonRider

To a mother her daughter was the most intimate person in the world. Hualan knew full well what Wang shi thought, so she actively investigated what happened to Molan after she married into Marquis Yongchang Household. Then she heard an amazing and dramatic story, so she went to the Sheng Mansion and told Wang shi about it in detail.

Molan had a hard time in Marquis Yongchang Household. On the night of the wedding, Concubine Chunge pretended to get a stomachache and had her trusted maid burst into the bridal chamber to ask Liang Han to her house. If that happened to Rulan, she would beat the maid and drive her away at once. But Molan put up with the impolite behavior from Chunge. She buttonholed Liang Han who was about to rush out, and coaxed in a gentle voice, "Now that I have married you, she is my sister. It's inconvenient for a man to look after a sick woman. I will take care of her on your behalf." After that, Molan kept Liang Han in the bridal chamber and went to see Chunge herself. She showed concern for Chunge's well-being and had a doctor in to give Chunge a check-up. Then she had maids decoct the medicinal herbs and feed Chunge. Molan kept vigil at the door and looked after Chunge the whole night. First Young Madam Liang was very captious but this time she could say nothing to scold Molan.

On hearing this Wang shi's face turned purple with rage. She slapped the rattan tea table hard with the palm of her hand. There came a tinkle of the teacup knocking against the lid. In those days Concubine Lin had often pretended to be ill and called Sheng Hong away from Wang shi's room. Obviously, Molan was familiar with this trick and was ready for such a situation.

Hai shi immediately served her mother-in-law a new cup of tea. Rulan was totally fascinated by the story and urged Hualan to carry on speaking.

Although Chunge had failed to bring Liang Han to her room on the night of the wedding, she didn't give up. The following evening, she asked her maid to invite Liang Han once more on the pretext of a stomachache. Molan didn't show any displeasure; instead, she consoled Liang Han, "It's hard work for a woman to carry a baby, because she will suffer from a minor illness from time to time." Then Molan went to visit Chunge and looked after her for a whole night. She even implored Madam Liang for some good wild ginseng to nourish Chunge. Finally, she was overworked and looked haggard and worn.

The bride had married into the Marquis Yongchang Household for two days but this newly married couple hadn't slept with each other because of the obstruction from the concubine. All the people in Marquis Yongchang Household disapproved of Chunge's immoral behaviors and began to gossip about her. Marquis Yongchang heard the gossips and got angry. He asked his eldest daughter-in-law to his room and reproved her mercilessly. Madam Liang accused First Young Madam Liang's aunt of failing to cultivate Chunge's moral values. The girl was educated to be a discourteous person. She had just been Liang Han's concubine for a few days. How dared she compete with his legal wife!

With a beautiful wife by his side but having no chance to sleep with her, Liang Han became a bit dissatisfied with Chunge.

On the third night, Chunge played the same trick. This time most people were on the side of Molan and Chunge was soundly defeated. According to informed sources, Liang Han flew into a rage and ran out of the room in underwear. Then he kicked Chunge's maid hard a dozen times and drove her out of Marquis Yongchang Household on the spot. He even severely punished the servants who attended upon Chunge.

"If she really feels ill, she can call a doctor. But I'm afraid that it's just her ruse to have our young master by her side. Is our young master a doctor who can treat illness? How could she strive for the favor of our young master by such disgraceful means? She's really villainous and shameless," a Mama in charge in Liang Mansion purposely irritated Chunge's servants with sarcastic remarks. But Molan pretended to be kind-hearted and put in a good word for Chunge.

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