C169. Minglan's Confession, Gu Tingye Dealing with Family Affairs (2)

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Minglan's eyes actually looked very enchanting, which attracted people a lot. However, her curved eyebrows looked rather facile and delicate, giving people a quite reserved expression. Thus when she looked at someone, the look in her eyes was like the translucent water which could melt that person. Gu Tingye suddenly reminded of a precious ancient portrait of a beauty that he had founded in his father's study in his childhood. He remembered that graceful and charming figure of the beauty on the aged yellowish paper. He also remembered himself being held spellbound by that appealing beauty.

At that time, he had no idea why his heart had beaten so fast. Never had he realized that a woman could be both elegant and enchanting.

"I made a mistake." In no time, Minglan admitted her mistake with her head lowered and her hands drooping, showing a good attitude.

"You foxy little girl!" Gu Tingye scolded that softly while glaring at her with a straight face. However, he still couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

Soon he knew that not only was she a foxy girl, she was also good at going back on her words. In the daytime, she had said so many loving words to him, which made him desire her so much. He felt himself becoming a lustful man and only wanted to do it with her violently. However, when finally the night came, she just kept a straight face while ordering the the maids to set two sets of quilts on the bed in dead earnest.

Gu Tingye looked at her with his eyebrows raised. Then he lowered her head to drink the tea. Meanwhile, Minglan also kept her head lowered to stare at her fingers.


Later in the night, with Minglan's head resting on the pillow, she only felt dizzy. Her body got so hot while her face seemed to be burning right now. The man who was on the top of her was still fondling her body with his heavy breath sounding super tempting. Though Minglan's body was completely limp, she still had a piece of consciousness remaining in her brain. Then she begged softly in a raucous voice, "... If I can't get up from the bed tomorrow, I, I don't want to live anymore..."

Gu Tingye was still reluctant to stop. He only coaxed her to obey him with his hand reaching down. Minglan, being totally weak and limp, said in a hurry, "We should always do things step by step. Have some patience. You, how could... we can still do it in other days. I have already behaved well tonight..." Thinking of her previous behaviors, Minglan was satisfied with herself a lot since she had made noticeable progress in having sex in a tremendous pace.

Hearing her words, Gu Tingye couldn't help tittering. Then he muttered in a low and hoarse voice, "You did have done better... Fine, I'll let you go this time." On these words, he also pinched her body heavily.

He also didn't want to go too far either. When he thought of those two dark circles under her eyes, he knew he had to stop where it should stop. Moreover, it had already been three days since their wedding. She should start to handle the family affairs and get to know about the household duties. He should at least let her have some time to sort those things out before Old Madam Qin sent someone to interfere in their family matters.

The second day, Minglan got up early decidedly. After that, she asked Danju to dress her up while enduring the intention to yawn. Today Gu Tingye was wearing a royal blue round flower pattern coat with tight sleeves and tassels. After his hair had been bound up, he stood there straightly with an imposing manner, looking overly handsome.

After the breakfast, he dragged Minglan into the side room. After he had dismissed all the maids and servants, he began to explain the affairs in the mansion to Minglan.

"...I have drifted outside for all these years. It hasn't been a long time since I had my own mansion. Most of the stewards and the maids who were presented by His Majesty are either from the guilty official's families or have sold themselves in the early years. Those people don't have roots. You can observe them. Keep the useful ones and sell the others." Gu Tingye said seriously with a stern look. Right now he looked very mature and calm. "As for the rest of the people here..." He suddenly paused, seeming to think over the words he was about to say, "They were sent by Old Madam and my aunts. You, should also observe them carefully."

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