C154. Flower Wedding (3)

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Old Madam Sheng was wearing a brand new six Fu (T/N: Fu meant fortune in Chinese) greeting doors pattern sapphire blue dark striped coat today. With a stern look on her face, she stared at Gu Tingye who was kowtowing to her and took over the tea which was served by him. Then without saying a word, Old Madam Sheng passed a red packet to him while sizing him up and down with lightning-like expression in her eyes. Thanks to Gu Tingye's years of military career during which he had seen too many people in his life, even the dead ones, he managed to remain calm with a smile under Old Madam Sheng's gaze.

When seeing Gu Tingye again, Wang shi only felt complicated with bitterness in her mouth. So she could only sit there dignifiedly while putting on some courtesy words. At last, Sheng Hong showed up to take charge of the situation. As a great actor, when Sheng Hong said the phrase 'I feel so gratified', he even managed to force out some tears at the corner of his eyes. With his flawless expression and gesture, he made himself look exactly like a kind old father.

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After Gu Tingye had served tea and given his obeisance to Sheng Hong and Wang shi, the bride in the gorgeous dress with a red bridal veil on her head who was led by Old Madam Bo entered into the hall slowly. Gu Tingye who was not distracted only kowtowed and bid farewell to Sheng Hong and Wang shi with Minglan. At that moment, Sheng Hong who almost burst into floods of tears said repeatedly, "Great! Remember this, love and respect each other, devoted to each other through your whole lives, have lots of children and teach them well."

Meanwhile Wang shi finally got this emotion coming, so she said gently, "Minglan, you have to be respectful and prudent. Always listen to your husband and the elders. Remember not to act recklessly." After saying this, Wang shi was quite satisfied with herself. She was not good at speaking classic words after all. When Rulan had got married, Wang Shi had almost fainted due to her cry and failed to say anything at last.

Before Minglan left, Old Madam Sheng finally couldn't retrain herself. She held Minglan's hand firmly with tears flashing in her eyes. With a red bridal veil on Minglan's head, she could only see the area around her feet so she had no idea about the expression on Old Madam Sheng's face. As Minglan lowered her head, she saw a wrinkled and skinny hand with its knuckles slightly turning white holding her chubby hand tightly. Suddenly, Minglan had a lump in her throat. Then a huge teardrop from Minglan's eyes fell on both her hand and her grandmother's hand which were holding together.

Old Madam Sheng then released Minglan's hand right away as if she had been burnt. After that, she tried very hard to open her mouth and said in a low voice, "From now on, live a good life..."

Hearing those words, Minglan felt her chest filling with soreness and couldn't utter a single word. So she could only nodded heavily, which nearly shook her red bridal veil off.

Minglan tried her best to lower her head in order to let her tears fall straightly on the ground, in case her make-up would be ruined. She didn't know who was leading her now, but she knew she was still heading to the outside. When she arrived at the gate, her brother Changbai carried her on his back to bridal sedan chair. After she got in the sedan chair, the curtains of the chair were closed and the chair started to shake. Minglan realized that they were setting out. Then she hastened to pull out a fine cotton handkerchief from her sleeve and used the corner of it to wipe out the tears on the corner of her eyes.

The large bridal sedan chair with pearls and jades decorations and gorgeous paintings inside was now carried by eight guys. Those guys did their job quite well cause the bridal sedan chair kept moving forward without much shaking. Minglan heard deafening sounds of the drums and firecrackers as well as the happy laughters and cheerful voices on the street.

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