C23 - The Young Boy Who Brings Spring

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By a look at the juvenile's attire, the Sheng children knew he was an important figure. They immediately stood up to show their respect to him. Mr. Zhuang waited for them finish before introducing his background. He was the only son of the envoy of the Salt Department [1], the second son of Qi Gong Gong. His mother is Xiangyang, also an only child, had been given the title, Junzhu [2] of the Pingning region.

His title is Qi Heng [3] and seemed to be one year younger than Changbai. A few years ago in the capital, he became Mr. Zhuang's' student but soon had to follow his father out of the capital due to work. Recently the Senior of Qi, under imperial order, needed to visit Deng Prefecture to inspect and rectify the salts. He estimated they need to stay for a while, so naturally his small wife accompanied him. Qi Heng heard Sheng Hong is sheltering Mr. Zhuang, so he asked his father to give a message notifying them of his visit.

Minglan noticed that Mr. Zhuang was very close to Qi Heng and feels that it's strange. These days while teaching, Mr. Zhuang's behavior when talking is like patiently waiting at the door in disdain for Wang Gong [4]. He had once publically pointout that the Earl Household's children were 'stupid insects', something that no one else had dared to. She also thought the same and even Changfeng has said, "I guess Mr. Zhuang is really proud. I shall call you my senior for now on." in a laughing manner while bowing.

Mr. Zhuang points to Qi Heng and laughs, "This kid has a great family background. They're officials that don't take anything from donation, all they have is from their own hard work. Last winter they helped me get a heater for my broken cottage, as the Princess was anxiously walking to district masters to handle matters."

Qi Heng's snow white skin was flushed a soft red, "Father often regrets not being able to take the exams and hopes that his descendants will have a better future. Luckily Old Madam Sheng invited Mr. Zhuang, Yuan Ruo can then only shamelessly impose."

He glances to the side to see the silent smile of Changbai. "Son of the Sheng couple, Brother Changbai, I heard that you along with your brother here, will go and take the home examination. I do not know if I may have a word?"

Changbai says: "Mr. Zhuang said that straightforward words are honest."

After the three big boys salute each other, Qi Heng towards the Sheng family's two son, gave advice and says, "Then, to Brother Changbai and virtuous Younger Brother Changfeng."

Mr. Zhuang not wanting to get scolded by Old Madam Sheng for dismissing them late, had been getting impatient. He had been wanting to dismiss the class early on but had been holding back until now, "You are too energetic that this old man is getting pedantic. Let your wish go for now as my class has not yet been dismissed." Minglan secretly thought that he has been waiting to dismiss the class, even before this official came.

The servants had finished setting up a table and chair for Qi Heng as they were speaking so, Mr. Zhuang called Qi Heng to sit down. Originally Changbai was on the right of the wall while Changfeng was on the left with their sisters behind them. The seat in front of Minglan was empty while Changdon sat behind her. Mr. Zhuang told Qi Heng to sit in the empty seat in front of Minglan, blocking her line of sight.

After Qi Heng sat down, he suddenly turned back and smilingly says: "Sixth younger sister is good."

Minglan was shocked this guy how...? and intuitively turns to check Molan and Rulan. They were really looking here...meanwhile Qi Heng had already settled back down and was looking forward silently.

The room went quiet until Mr. Zhuang cleared his throat and said, "Looks like the sixth lady and her maids have something they want to say, what is it? You may speak."

Changbai smoothly laughs, "Sixth younger sister say whatever you wish to say."

Chengfeng purses his lips, looks at Qi Heng with misgivings but no longer criticizes him. Molan and Rulan, though childish were still beautiful ladies of the household; hence were still annoyed to death watching Qi Heng and Minglan.

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