C181. One Day Working Report of a CEO (116.1)

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With a pleased look on Gu Tingye's face, Gu Tingye held Minglan together with the brocade quilt in his arms and kissed on her warm and smooth face. Minglan, being too tired to open her eyes, only mumbled something in a daze while sliding her head into the quilt. Gu Tingye really enjoyed watching her being like this. Then, after he had called the maid to help him get dressed in the court suit, he left the mansion. The ground outside the room was still wet due to the nightlong rainstorm. Only until the daybreak did the rain stop. The weather of the March was quite refreshing. The raindrops drew hyaline arcs on the windowsill and the drip of the water under the roof sounded super lively.

After an hour and a half, Danju came into Minglan's room. She, with great strength, dug out that small girl who was curling up in the brocade quilt. Then Danju helped Minglan take a bath and get dressed while trying not to look at those bruises on Minglan's snow-white waist and legs as well as the blue and red hickeys all over half of Minglan's body. She only opened the windows to disperse the erotic smell in the room.

Minglan tried her best to ignore the pitiful expression in Danju's eyes with her burning face. As the saying went, labour was the glorious. Physical labour was as glorious as the brain work!

After the personnel matters had been sorted out yesterday, Minglan needed to assign works to the servants today.

The servants in Gu's mansion were more than enough to serve Gu Tingye and Minglan. However, the huge mansion still required more people to manage. The plants and pool as well as the large wood forest in the back garden alone would need at least ten people to take care of them. Also, though there were nobody living in the plenty of the rooms in the main yard, the side yards, the wing houses and the guest houses right now, some young maids were still needed to be assigned to the empty rooms in case those places would be deserted.

Afterwards, Rongjie'er, Concubine Gong and Lady Hongxiao would live in the mansion as well. So they should also have their own servants and maids. Moreover, Minglan still needed someone to guard the storeroom, be on night duty, do the needlework, do the cleaning and starching job, purchase goods, work in the big and small kitchens. She also needed the first, second and third class maids in the main room, the factotums, the elder servants who did the heavy jobs, the stewards of the inner yard, the stewards of the outer yards, the servants in the stable, the gatekeepers, the messengers, the pageboys... After Minglan counted the servants in the mansion twice on her fingers, she still found the number not enough. Therefore, she had written a letter to Hai shi to ask the latter to introduce some reliable human traders to her.

Hai shi was about to give birth to her child and couldn't move too much all day long, which made her feel really bored. After she had received Minglan's letter, she began to find the traders right away. Early in the morning today, two human traders who had the recommendation letters in their hands brought lots of boys and girls to Gu's mansion. Minglan told someone to open the side hall of the outer yard to let the newcomers wait there. After that, she walked over there in a low speed.

The human traders were both middle aged women who were around thirty to forty in neat clothes and spoke with polite words reverently. Obviously, they had always made contacts with the officials' families since they had senses of propriety during the conversation. They never made a boast of the people they had brought, nor did they glance at the room furtively. There were two to three rows of boys and girls standing behind them, who were in different ages from ten to thirteen or fourteen. Right now they were all standing deferentially with their head lowered.

Minglan felt quite satisfied. She had known that Hai shi who was from a prestigious family like Hai family would definitely introduce good human traders to her.

Every trade had its master. In ancient times, the human traders were also in various grades and ranks. The low-class traders were more like the pimps and only did the dirty business. Some evil ones of them even abducted and trafficked lost children (For example, the poor Zeng Yinglian who had been abducted). The children from unknown resource were all sold by those traders without any formalities. Therefore, some accidents might happen at any time. (Like Childe Feng who was even poorer)

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