C151. Rulan Gets Married, Say Goodbye to the Past (2)

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The twenty-seventh of February was a fortunate date which was suitable for getting married.

Wen Yanjing was having his days. He would be granted an official position soon and marry a wife who's from a powerful family. There were lots of his friends and school fellows helping him escorting the bride. Joyous hurrahs, the deafening sound of gongs and drums were filled in the street, giving out a jubilant aura.

This time Changfeng finally met his match in debating. He stood at the door of Sheng's mansion arguing with Wen Yanjing for almost half an hour. Their speeches quoted the poems from Tang and Song dynasties with tons of ornate languages. The crowd kept applauding for them. Seeing the bustling scene, Wang shi finally showed a sign of satisfaction.

Old Madam Sheng always preferred quietness. However, this time she decided to show respect to Wang shi by coming back to the Hall of Peaceful Ages after the drinking had been through three rounds. Minglan was also quite cheerful. After she had taken several cups of wines, she got red-hot cheeks and a fainted head. Being uncomfortable to stay in the room, she walked out of the yard in order to dispel the effects of the alcohol.

It was a chilling night. There were still loud sounds of chatting and raucous laughter as well as the aroma of the wines coming through from the outer yard. People were still toasting each other, so the feast must have not finished, which made the inner yard seem more tranquil. Minglan strolled along the stone path. Suddenly, she was curious if the ice layer on the pond had melted. Because she wanted to catch some fish before she got married.

Thinking of that, she walked quickly to the pond. Then she saw a tall person bending over and holding the hill stones with his head lowered under the creamy white moonlight. It seemed that he was vomiting now. As that man heard steps behind him, he turned around slowly. The glistening light of the lake at night under the crescent moon reflected on that man's face, that jade-like gorgeous face.

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Minglan paused right away and got nervous, trying to leave instantly.

"... sixth sister?" Qi Heng's body is suffused with a light aroma of wines. As he stood in the moist air of the early spring, he looked even more elegant.

Minglan tried to stop, and then said with a smile on her face, "Long time no see. I haven't sent my congratulations to your wedding. So, congratulations."

Qi Heng had a pair of beautiful eyes which always contained great tenderness and unspoken affections, like the waters which could be both limpid and dense. He stared at Minglan in silence and then said slowly, "Speaking of the congratulations. I will have to give my best wishes to your upcoming wedding." As he was saying that, he gave an obeisance to Minglan by bending down and cupping his hand in the other.

Minglan returned an obeisance right away.

After that, the two of them only looked at each other without uttering a word. Only the water of the pond was making sound right now.

Minglan wanted to slip away. However, Qi Heng gazed at her so intently as if he just couldn't get enough looking at her. Minglan was not that strong-willed, so she could only find something to say, "You... what are you doing here?" They were standing in the inner yard right now. Normally the man who didn't belong to Sheng family couldn't come in.

Qi Heng smiled with his pretty eyes curled, "I've got a bit loaded. So Changbai let me to rest in his study." He knew the paths in the Sheng's mansion and Changbai's study was on the junction of the inner and outer yard. So it was not strange that he would make his way to the pond.

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