78. The Tranquility After the Mutiny (2)

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Precisely, Sheng family in its heyday had its bad news.

"Mother, please rethink about it. Long journey would exhaust anyone at your age," persuaded Sheng Hong who hurried to Hall of Peaceful Age without even a minute to change from official uniform to casual wear. Sitting down there were Wang shi and the children.

Old Madam Sheng shook her head quite firmly. Thumbing the prayer beads of eaglewood, she said, "As sisters-in-laws for dozens of years I can't just stay away from her when she is on her death bed."

Sheng Hong then frowned and asked Taisheng who sat quite restlessly by the side, "How on earth is Elder Aunt?"

Taisheng grew much taller than several years ago when Minglan visited Youyang. The then fat and short boy was now a slim youth. He stood up and bowed quite apologetically to Sheng Hong, "Uncle, please pardon me. Grandmother has not been feeling well ever since the Spring Festival. We've invited retired Imperial Physician Bai to help who told us that grandma's final days would be in a few months. Third house has been coming to make trouble ever since that leaked out, claiming that great grandfather had left behind great wealth which they also enjoy a share. While next time they would offer to manage the family matters for Elder Uncle. Third grandfather would always sit there unwilling to leave. With his old age we dare not to force him out...We really don't know what to do with them."

Upon hearing that, Sheng Hong heaved a long sign and turned to Old Madam Sheng, "Mother, how shall I forgive myself should anything happen to you?"

Changwu who was sitting in silence with shame by the side immediately kneeled before Sheng Hong, pleading sincerely, "This nephew is unfilial. Being a grandson yet unable to wait upon grandma's side. And now even exhaust second grandmother with such a long journey...Taisheng will escort Old Madam to Youyang this time and Mother will try every means to look after Old Madam. Please rest assured, Uncle."

Wang shi grumbled with a long face, "It's easy to say so."

Just as Sheng Hong was about to continue the persuasion, Old Madam put down the prayer beads and waved her hand, "Say no more of it. I've made up my mind. I'll set out tomorrow." With a short pause she continued in a rather gentle voice after seeing Sheng Hong's worried face, "I know you're filial, yet for a matter important as this I must go as long as I can move my old body. Speaking of that, we not only survived safe and sound through the riot, Bai'er and Wu'er are both promoted, which couldn't be possible without your daily discretion but we should also thank Buddha and our ancestors for the protection. Thus, we should bear kindness and gratitude in heart to accumulate more luck and blessings. It is more so with our family members."

Sheng Hong and Wang shi exchanged a glance and knew the persuasion should stop here. Then Changbai walked Changwu and Taisheng out. Minglan knew the matter was settled so she stood up and vowed earnestly to her father, "Please rest assured, father. I'll take good care of grandma along the way."

To all's surprise, Old Madam Sheng shook her head, "No, you're not going with me."

Minglan was astonished. She had been spending nearly every second with Old Madam Sheng for these years, now it would be too unbearable for her to part with her dear grandma. However, Old Madam Sheng turned to Wang shi before Minglan could manage a word, "Minglan is growing up and it would be inappropriate to take her around. I'll leave for Youyang first, if my elder sister-in-law do...then you can let the girl come."

Wang shi immediately stood up and bowed with respect as response. Old Madam Sheng continued, "Bai's wife is now in confinement of childbirth, then please take the bother to run the household." Then taking a glance of Minglan's sad face, Old Madam Sheng couldn't help but add, "Sixth girl has never been away from me for long. She's such a foolish girl that I'm quite worried. Please watch over her in case she misbehaves."

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