He adopts you! (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

When we got out of the game, we learned that Y/n's parents had passed in an accident. She was all alone, and her brother was in danger too since he had no legal guardian. So, I did the natural thing and decided to adopt them.

What the heck was I thinking?! I can't possibly take care of a kid, let alone 2 when her brother wakes up. 

There wasn't time to worry about that now. Today's the day the adoption is finalized and I get custody of both of them. I wore the nicest clothes I owned and I had to remind Y/n at least 3 times that no, a t-shirt that said 'heck the cops' was not appropriate to wear to the courthouse. Once we were all ready, I walked with her.

When we got called to the bench, I was freaking out internally. I don't have many enemies, but if someone wanted to go after me she'd be a target. When I was granted custody of both of them, my heart melted. I'm a dad of two now, and Y/n's brother has no idea that he's just been adopted. 

"Everything will work out I know it will."

☄️Kaito Momota☄️

Today's the day. I'm getting custody of her today. Y/n's aunt and uncle decided to go with a private adoption, so it was much easier. Today's the day I sign the last paper and everything is finalized. Everything will change today.

All the papers were signed and the lawyer smiled.

"Congratulations, Mr.Momota. You are now the legal guardian." I sighed in relief. I'm a dad now. I have a kid. I have a purpose that's not just my talent. I have someone who depends on me to keep them safe, to make sure they have food on the table, a warm bed to sleep in and a shoulder to cry on. When we got home and she was napping on my shoulder, I just sat on the couch and stroked her hair. 

"I won't let anybody hurt you, kiddo...  I will die before anyone can hurt you. I swear on my life, I won't ever let you get hurt."

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

Oh god, today is the day. Ever since we first met, I saw Y/n as a little sister but today she becomes my daughter. Y/n's father lost custody of her about a week ago and I wasn't going to let her go through the trauma of being torn away from me. With help from some friends, I managed to get a lawyer willing to represent me and he managed to get me custody.

When everything was finalized and Y/n was officially mine, I teared up a bit. I almost lost her so many times, and now she's my daughter. I promised to be a loving father to her, the father she deserves. 

When I put her to bed that night, I gently kissed her head. I was about to leave when I heard her...

"Night night, daddy." I froze and my heart melted. I smiled softly with happy tears in my eyes.

"I love you too, baby girl."

👻Korekiyo Shinguji👻

Today is the day the adoption is finalized. I managed to get this far thanks to some 'negotiation', but that's not important now. After this meeting, I will be Y/n's father. I'm unsure how I feel. On one hand, I am relieved that I will be able to guarantee her safety, but on the other hand, I fear I will not be able to give her proper emotional care. I consulted my sister for advice, and she assured me that I am the best for her.

I signed the final paper, hesitating for a moment. Once I finished, I officially became her father. My dear, sweet child was holding my hand with a smile. We left the law office and returned home. 

That night when I put her to bed, singing her favourite lullaby, she spoke to me.

"Night... Night... Daddy..." I froze for a moment, shocked. Once I truly came to terms with what she said, I smiled.

"Sleep well, my darling. May your dreams bring comfort in place of fear."

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