The Aftermath Of Attempted Murder (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

He finds himself watching over you a bit more. He knows that you can protect yourself, but the fact that you almost died was terrifying to him. He doesn't necessarily hate Miu, but he definitely doesn't trust her anymore. You, on the other hand, try to hide your fear, although you tend to stay closer to him. Sometimes, when you're alone, you cry. You refuse to appear weak, however.

☄️Kaito Momota☄️

He's more watchful. He hesitates to leave you alone and only really trusts Shuichi and Maki to watch over you when he can't. When he is with you, he'll keep an arm around your shoulder and an eye out for Tenko. You're much jumpier, and you tend to flinch whenever a sound surprises you. Despite everything, you still feel 100% safe whenever you're with Kaito.

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

He's somehow even more overprotective. He has you hold his hand almost 24/7 and he's much less willing to trust people. He trusted Kirumi with keeping you safe when he wasn't around, and she had thrown it all away. You almost refuse to leave his side, and you even hesitate to go into your lab, especially alone. It breaks his heart to see you so afraid.

👻Korekiyo Shinguji👻

He's like a completely different person. He no longer allows you to wander alone, and he's much more irritable and tense towards the others, but when it's just you and him, he speaks softly and gently. You are much more afraid of the other students, and you get anxious whenever he needs to go somewhere without you. You'll often scream in the middle of the night and run into his dorm, so he decided to just have you sleep in his dorm every night.

🎲Kokichi Oma🎲

He's much more serious and almost intimidating. If he sees someone acting the tiniest bit suspicious, he'll grab your hand and hide in his dorm or your lab. He's not going to lose you. You tend to hide behind him and shriek if Angie enters the room. You can still feel her hand around your tiny neck, squeezing. Kokichi does everything he possibly can to help you.

(data right baybee 3 chapters in one day)

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