Introduction, except it's his POV (DR1)

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A/N: One year is a long time. I've never been able to find the motivation to have a fic go on this long, but for some reason, this one is something I'm super proud of. Honestly, I started writing this fic as major self-indulgence in an attempt to get back into writing, but I became obsessed! So, here's to another year of wholesomeness and P A I N!

🦊Makoto Naegi🦊

I woke up with a pounding headache. It felt like someone had reached into my brain and shook it up. As I looked around the room I was in, I managed to get my bearings enough to realize that it was a classroom covered in gaudy wallpaper. That wasn't the main thing that caught my eye, though. The thing that caught my eye was a kid sleeping on the desk beside me. She seemed to be around six or seven years old. I knew that Hope's Peak had a course specifically for kids, but I thought they were supposed to stay in a separate building. I went to her side to check on her, only to realize that she was still out cold. I gently shook her shoulders in an attempt to wake her up.

"Hey, wake up." She didn't budge. Sighing, I sat back down. I couldn't just leave her alone, but I wasn't sure if I could just pick her up, either. I ended up waiting for another 10 minutes before I heard her starting to stir in her sleep. I stood back up and stood in front of the desk she was sleeping on, shaking her shoulders. Eventually, her eyes fluttered open and she groaned, looking around the room. She looked up at me, surprised. "Are you okay? You were out for some time after I woke up, kiddo."

"Yeah. My head hurts a little bit though... who are you? And where are we?" 

'So she doesn't know either,' I thought to myself, rubbing my neck with a sigh. "My name is Makoto Naegi. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. To be honest, I have no clue where we are..."

"It's nice to meet you Makoto. I'm Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Archaeologist." An archaeologist, huh? That's pretty impressive for a kid. I smiled.

"You must be one of the Training Course kids. I heard about them in the forums... No one mentioned an archaeologist though..." I scratched my head and looked around the room again. "We're in a classroom, that's obvious. But I have no idea how we could've gotten here... The last thing I remember is passing out in the Main Hall..." Y/n looked surprised.

"The same thing happened to me! My mama dropped me off, and she said to go to the main hall. I went there like she said, and then I got all dizzy..." I nodded. Now I felt kinda bad for her. Not knowing where her parents were must be terrifying. It was only now when I noticed a piece of paper on one of the other desks. I picked it up and read it. 

'Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy! From now on, this school is your entire world! Please meet in the gym at 8 am sharp!' I looked at the clock and swallowed the growing lump in my throat.

"A-anyways, it's almost time for the orientation. We'd better head that way." Y/n nodded and walked with me out of the door and into the hallway.

🐺Mondo Owada🐺

"Oww... F*cking sh*t..." My head was pounding as if someone was hitting me with a jackhammer. I looked around the room, realizing it was some classroom with sh*tty wallpaper. "What the f*ck is going on?" The last thing I remembered was passing out in the main hall, and now I was in a classroom? "F*ck this. I want f*cking answers." I stood up to leave, but the moment I did, I realized that there was something right beside the desk. "What in the-" It was a kid. She was out cold, just like I had been. There's no way in hell that's healthy for someone that young, damn thing couldn't be any older than five. I sighed, annoyed. I couldn't just leave her here in case she stopped breathing or woke up and panicked, so I started walking around the room as I waited for her to wake up. I had waited for at least five minutes when I saw her starting to rub her eyes. "Hey, wake up kid." Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up, her eyes widening. "You're awake, finally. Who are ya, and where the f*ck are we?!" She flinched. Dammit, I scared her!

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