You cry (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

"You weren't yourself today," Shuichi told you as you made your way to bed. You looked towards him, fighting back tears to the very best of your ability. You almost fooled him.

"I'm okay, d-dummy..." Shuichi sighed and got out of his chair, kneeling in front of you.

"Stop telling me you're okay." He wrapped you in an embrace and frowned as you nuzzled into his shoulder and cried silently. "It's okay, it's okay... Do you wanna tell me what happened?" 

"I-I just want m-my big b-brother back," you cried. Shuichi sighed. It wasn't rare for him to see you so depressed about your brother, but he had never seen you cry over it. "I-It's all my f-fault!"

"We've been over this. I know you feel responsible, but in the end, he's the one who pushed you out of the way. When he wakes up, I doubt he'll have any regrets." You looked up at him with watery eyes.

"Y-You think so?" He smiled and kissed your head.

"I do, cuz I know for a fact that I wouldn't." With that, he stood up with you still in his arms and carried you to bed. "We'll go visit him tomorrow, alright?" You nodded softly and curled up under your covers, drifting into a deep sleep." 

☄️Kaito Momota☄️

"You okay in there, champ? I know thunder isn't a good thing for you..." Kaito softly knocked on your door as a violent thunderstorm raged outside. He originally wanted to give you space if you wanted it but after a particularly loud rumble and a wail from your room, he opened the door and went inside. You didn't even notice him until he had draped his signature jacket over your shoulders. Once that happened, you cried out again.

"D-DADDY!" He immediately picked you up and held you firmly against his chest, his heart breaking as his shirt became stained with tears.

"I know, I know. It's going to be okay." He began to gently rock your tiny body in an attempt to keep you grounded in the present. "I'm right here, bab. Nothing's gonna hurt you." He sat down on your bed and tightened his protective grip around you. Another thunder strike caused you to scream again, hiding under his jacket. "Shh... It's okay. Daddy's here," he cooed. You clung to his NASA pyjama top with shaking fists. "The storm won't hurt you. It won't hurt me. We're safe in our apartment." You nodded softly but didn't let go of his shirt. Kaito ended up carrying you into his room and laying down with you right beside him. "You can stay here all night. I don't want you to go through this alone, okay?" With that, he continued to whisper soothing words to you until you managed to fall asleep.

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

"Baby? Is everything okay?" Rantaro frowned when he saw you wrapped in a blanket with a sad expression on the couch. You shook your head no and wrapped yourself up tighter. "Aww, angel... C'mere." He gently picked you up, his heart breaking as you began to cry on his shoulder. "You're in the safest place in the world, okay? No one can hurt you here." He softly began to rock you back and forth as you clung to his sweater with a whimper. 

"D-Don't leave me," you whimpered. Rantaro shook his head and adjusted you in his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby. I promise." He kissed your forehead and hugged you tight. "Daddy's not gonna leave you," he cooed. He carried you around the house while humming random children's songs in an attempt to stop your tears, but it wasn't working. "Sweetheart, what do you need?"

"I-I don't k-know," you cried, hiding in his chest again.

"That's okay, baby. Everything's gonna be okay." He gently stroked your hair and continued to whisper soothing things until you had cried yourself to sleep. "I'm not gonna let those bad guys hurt you anymore..."

👻Korekiyo Shinguji👻

"My dear, are you- Oh no." Korekiyo's eyes widened as he spotted you on the bathroom floor, shaking and sobbing hysterically. A panic attack. Immediately, he ran to your side and took you into his arms. Mother bear mode had been activated. "Are you alright?!" Normally, he's able to keep his calm. But this was his baby in his arms, crying and seemingly in pain. 

"O-O-O-Old d-daddy," you choked, hiding in Kiyo's chest. Immediately, an animalistic rage washed over him and he growled, before turning his focus back to you.

"It's alright my dear. That miserable excuse of a human cannot hurt you anymore." He kissed your head and sighed. "Your throat must hurt from crying, I assume?" You nodded softly. "My poor darling... It's going to be alright. I promise. The pain will subside and I will be with you the whole time." He tightened his grip around your trembling body with a sigh. 

"S-Scared," you whimpered. Kiyo stood up and rocked you softly, a sad expression hidden by his mask. 

"I know, I know. However, love, there is no need to be. No one will ever hurt you again. I will not allow it. I will protect you." He kissed your head and began to sing your favourite lullaby, managing to soothe you into a deep, restful sleep.

🎲Kokich Oma🎲

"Hey there, Y/n! Want some- Huh?" Kokichi's smirk faded the moment he saw you curled up on your bed, clutching your teddy bear, shaking and crying. "What's wrong, Lil grape?" He went to your side, frowning. "More scary memories?" You nodded softly and Kokichi picked you up. "I get that. Sometimes I get scary memories too..."

"Y-You do?" You looked up at him with eyes sparkling with tears. He kissed your forehead.

"All the time. Usually, it's about things that happened before I met you, but sometimes the game is part of it. But then I remember that it's all over and I think of you and how happy I am." He pinched your cheeks and smiled. "So... Just, try that. Think of all the good things, and it may help, okay?" He planted a kiss on your head and then smiled. "How 'bout we go get some panta to cheer you up?"


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