You cry (DR1)

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🦊Makoto Naegi🦊

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Makoto gently knocked on your door, concerned. He heard you crying in your room and it was breaking his heart. "Can I come in?" No response. Sighing, he cracked your door open and frowned when his eyes fell on you. You were curled up in a ball with tears pouring down your face. Your room was a disaster, but he couldn't care less about that. He slowly approached and knelt beside you, covering you with his jacket. "I'll be right here, okay?" You softly nodded, resting your head in his lap with a soft whimper.

A few minutes passed and you managed to calm down a bit, but occasional sobs still wracked your body. Makoto pulled you into a tight hug and gently cradled you. 

"It's going to be okay. I'll be with you every step of the way, alright?" You nodded again and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 

"I-I'm tired..."

"Okay, I'll tuck you in, okay?" You nodded and he stood up, carrying you to your bed and tucking you in. "Do you need anything else? Water? Warm milk?" You shook your head no and he smiled, kissing your head. "Goodnight... I love you."

"Love you to d-dad."

🐺Mondo Owada🐺

"Hey Y/n, it's time for- huh?" Mondo's eyes widened as he opened your door. You were hyperventilating and crying. "Y/N!" He ran to your side and pulled you into a hug. You clung to him as tight as your tiny fists could, shaking like a leaf. "It's okay, it's okay. Daddy's here." He gently stroked your hair in an attempt to soothe you. When that didn't work, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around you, shielding you from the world. "Daddy's right here, baby girl."

"C-Chest hurt," you whimpered, clinging to your dad's tank top. He tightened his grip and softly whispered soothing words to you, desperate to get you to calm down and breathe.

"I know, I know. Just let daddy hold you and no bad guys will get you, okay? I'll fight 'em off."

"I-I wanna forget!" Mondo frowned, shaking his head.

"Baby girl, your old daddy can't get you. He's in jail and he'll be there for a very, very long time. And his jail is super far away." That seemed to soothe you little, as you were finally able to get oxygen into your tiny lungs. "There you go. Just breathe like that for a bit?" You nodded softly and finally managed to soothe yourself, nuzzling into your dad's shoulder. "There's my baby... Let's get you some warm milk, okay?"

"Y-Yes please." He stood up and carried you into the kitchen, not putting you down even for a moment. He held the cup of warm milk for you and held you as you drank it. Once it was gone, he cradled you until you fell asleep in his loving arms.

🦢Byakuya Togami🦢

"What is going on in- Y/n?" Byakuya's eyes widened as he saw you curled into a ball with a horrified expression and tears pouring down your face. You were crying more than he had ever seen. He ran to your side and knelt down, checking if you were hurt. Once he was sure you weren't he was back to square one. "What happened?" You whimpered and buried your face into your knees. He sighed, thinking of what to do before pulling you into a hug. Your eyes widened. Byakuya rarely initiated hugs. Still in shock, you nuzzled into his shoulder and continued to cry. "I'm here." 

It took a few minutes, but you finally calmed down. To your surprise, however, Byakuya didn't let you go. Instead, he tightened his grip and held you in place, gently cradling you. 

"I'm not leaving you." You nodded softly and clung to his suit. He began to softly stroke your hair before finally grabbing your blanket and wrapping it around you. "You're safe, I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." He stood up with you in his arms and carried you to his bedroom where he softly placed you in his bed and laid down beside you. "I... I love you," he whispered, barely audible. You nuzzled into him with a smile.

"I love you too..." 

🦁Leon Kuwata🦁

"Hey, you good in there?" Leon was worried. He heard you crying in the bathroom, and he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to intervene. However, when he heard a crash followed by a wail he immediately opened the door to make sure you weren't hurt. He frowned the moment he saw you curled up in the bathtub. The shower curtain had fallen again, it scared you and made you cry more. He knelt down and opened his arms. "Come here, kiddo." You ran into his arms and he hugged you tight. "Daddy's here..."

"I-I m-miss them!" You were shouting by now and Leon's heart broke. He knew you missed your bio parents, but he rarely saw you cry about them. It absolutely killed him to see you like this. "I-I didn't even get to s-say goodbye..."

"I know, I know. I can't even imagine how hard it is..." He gently stroked your hair. "It's okay to cry, I promise. I'll be here every step of the way, walking right beside you." 

"C-Can... Can we v-visit their g-graves tomorrow?" You looked up at your dad with teary eyes.

"Of course we can. You said you haven't been there since the funeral, right?" You softly nodded and Leon kissed your head. "We'll bring them some flowers too..." 

The next day, you did just that. You put an orchid on each of their graves and kissed them.

"Leon is taking good care of me, so you don't have to worry."

📐Kiyotaka Ishimaru📐

"Y/n, it is passed your bedtime. You need to-" Taka's eyes widened when he saw you curled into a ball on your bedroom floor, sobbing hysterically and rocking back and forth. He immediately ran to your side and picked you up. "Y/n, what's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" He looked over your tiny, shaking body. "You don't have any bruises... Did you have another bad memory?" 'Bad memory' was the term that Taka and your therapist used for 'flashback', so when you nodded, his heart broke. 

"C-C-Closet-" You couldn't even get the words out as you hyperventilate. Taka tightened his grip and tried shushing you, rocking you like a baby. 

"Shh... It's okay. There's no one in the closet, but I'll check for you." He gently set you down and looked inside. "See? Nothing can hurt you hear." He picked you up again and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Tired..." He chuckled softly and laid you down in your bed before climbing in beside you.

"I love you so much. You know that, right?" You nodded softly and nuzzled into his chest.

"I love you m-more..."

Ultimate In Training (Danganronpa Boys x Child reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora