When you're sick (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

You get aching muscles a lot, but you never really wake up with them. So when you woke up with sore legs, cold sweat and a headache, you knew you were sick. Shuichi came to wake you up and seeing you were pale as a ghost... He panicked. He got medicine, a cold rag and everything the internet told him to get. He wouldn't let you leave your bed except to go to the bathroom. 

It kinda pissed you off that he was being so overprotective, but you didn't have the energy to argue. He made sure you were comfy, and now he was trying to get you to nap. It wasn't working and he ended up falling asleep himself. You glared at him.


☄️Kaito Momota☄️

You woke up with an upset stomach. You were awake for less than 10 minutes when you threw up and started crying. Kaito heard you crying and ran into your room, thinking someone broke in. He froze when he saw you, only to pick you up and get you to the bathroom in an instant. He sat with you in the tub, not worried if he got himself sick or dirty. After he managed to calm you down, he ran a lukewarm bath and got you some fresh pyjamas. 

Once you were cleaned and dressed, he took you back to bed with a trashcan by your side. He called Shuichi, asking him to bring medicine. You threw up again and Kaito was instantly beside you.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Get it all out. There you go..." He rubbed your back, trying to soothe you. Shuichi arrived with the medicine and Kaito helped you take it. Shuichi agreed to stay and help. Neither of them left you the whole day.

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

You woke up with muscle aches, a headache and a burning forehead. Rantaro came in to check on you and he frowned, checking your forehead.

"Yeah, you're sick. I'll go get some medicine, alright?" He returned after a few moments, helping you take the pink goop that was supposed to taste like bubble gum. Spoiler: It did not. He hated that he had to make you take it, but he needed you to get better. 

After a few hours of movies and TV, his priority was to try to get you to nap. He read you a story, but you fell asleep before he finished. He gently kissed your head and stayed with you the whole time. He felt guilty if he had to leave your side for any reason, even just to go to the bathroom. He wanted to be there 24/7 to comfort and protect you, and he was.

👻Korekiyo Shinguji👻

When you woke up with strep throat, it was not a fun time. Kiyo came to check on you after he heard you whimpering, and when he saw your bright red throat his heart dropped. He had strep in the past and knew how painful it was and he couldn't bear the thought that you were suffering like this. 

He was not against modern medicine in any way shape or form, but he did provide some natural remedies as well, such as lavender oil in the air to relax you. He called a friend of his to bring him some medicine, knowing that he needed to give you the best care he could. When his friend delivered the medicine, he carried you to the door with him. 

After giving you medicine, his next priority was to get you to nap. He walked around the house, holding you protectively and singing your favourite lullaby. You nuzzled into his shoulder, grasping your stuffed animal in your tiny hands. When you finally fell asleep he sat on the couch, allowing you to sleep on his chest before he fell asleep as well.

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