The First Murder (DR1)

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🦊Makoto Naegi🦊

Everyone gathered in the dining hall for our normal meeting. As is tradition, I sat down next to Makoto. Eventually, more and more people started arriving. After a while though, I noticed something...

Sayaka wasn't there.

I tapped on Makoto's shoulder, concerned.

"What is it Y/n? Is something wrong?" He looked down at me. I'm guessing he could tell I was a little worried.

"Yeah... Where's Sayaka? She's normally here on time." Makoto's eyes went wide and some concerned looks were exchanged throughout the room. Makoto stood up quickly, knocking over his chair.

"I-I GOTTA GO CHECK ON HER!" He ran out of the dining hall and towards the dorms. I ran behind him. My stomach started to feel weird and I felt like something awful was about to happen. I was almost to Sayaka's room when-


My eyes went wide. Everyone ran out of the dining hall and towards Makoto's scream. I ran into the bedroom, only to see it was a disaster. I looked around and saw Makoto in the bathroom. I walked towards him, shaking. 

"M-Makoto?" I peeked inside the bathroom. "N-No... N-No!"

Inside the shower stall, slumped over and covered in bright pink... was Sayaka. I screamed in fear. The others came in eventually, and more screams rang through the halls. Makoto was passed out on the floor. I felt two arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Hina picking me up. I clung to her and cried into her shoulder while she tried to calm me down. It wasn't working. Sayaka was gone. 

"A body has been discovered!"

🐺Mondo Owada🐺

I sat down beside Mondo in the dining hall. Ms.Asahina handed me a juice box, which I was excited about. I looked around the room, counting all of us. Then I noticed something weird.

"Where's Ms.Maizono? She's always here on time!" After I said that, everybody looked a little worried, even Mondo. Makoto got out of his chair so fast it fell down. He ran into the hallway really fast. "I-Is he okay?" Mondo put his hand on my shoulder.

"He's just freaking out. Sayaka probably just slept in." I nodded and kept drinking my juice box. I was almost finished when we heard a scream. Everyone ran out of the dining hall. I ran with them into the bedroom. It was so messy! People need to learn to clean up better. Mondo looked inside the bathroom and his eyes went wide. I peeked inside too and...

Mondo covered my eyes quickly, but I still saw it. Ms.Maizono had a knife in her stomach and there was a lot of blood. 

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" I screamed and gripped onto Mondo's coat. He pulled me close to him and rubbed my hair. He picked me up and I started crying.

"A body has been discovered!"

🦢Byakuya Togami🦢

I sat at the same table as Mr.Togami. I didn't really like sitting with the others since they would talk loud and ask me too many questions. Eventually, everyone had shown up. At least, it looked like everyone was here. After a few seconds, people started talking about how Sayaka is normally here by now. Makoto jumped out of his chair and ran into the hall. 

After only a few seconds, we heard him scream from the dorms. I ran into the hallway with the others while Mr.Togami walked at a normal pace. We found ourselves in one of the bedrooms. Makoto was passed out on the bathroom floor while a metallic scent filled the room. I looked inside the bathroom and my eyes went wide.

Sayaka was laying in a pool of bright pink blood with a knife sticking out of her stomach. I backed away from the scene with my hands covering my mouth. Mr.Togami looked inside and even he seemed to tense up. The solemn, quiet air was cut by static, immediately followed by a voice we knew all too well.

"A body has been discovered!"

🦁Leon Kuwata🦁

(This is an AU where Leon is NOT the blackened)

Leon sat beside me in the dining hall for the daily breakfast meeting. He was late, as usual. 

"You're late AGAIN Leon! I'm gonna start dragging you here in the mornings!" I jokingly punched his arm and he ruffled my hair. 

"Sorry squirt, I slept through my alarm... again." I sighed and took a quick look around the room. Something just felt off to me. I did a quick headcount and then noticed what was bugging me-

Sayaka wasn't here.

"Hey, where's Sayaka?" I asked out loud. People started looking around, seeming concerned. 

"She probably just slept in. Makoto, go wake her up." Mondo instructed. Makoto left and went to the halls, leaving the rest of us to talk. After about a minute though, we heard Makoto scream. Without missing a beat, everyone (except Celestia and Byakuya) ran towards the scream. We found Makoto's bedroom door wide open. 'Wasn't he supposed to check on Sayaka?'  We went inside his room, only to find it was a disaster. Chairs were strewn across the floor, huge scratched covered the walls and a gold katana lay on the floor. I noticed the bathroom door was open, so I checked inside there.

I'll never forget what I saw.

Sayaka's body lay in the shower covered in blood with a knife sticking out of her stomach, and Makoto was passed out on the floor. I screamed before running out of the bathroom and grabbing onto Leon. The moment he saw the carnage for himself, he pulled me closer in a protective hug.

"S-Sayaka..." he whispered, shaking with fear. I was fighting back tears, but I eventually broke. Our moment of shock was cut short when a familiar voice was played throughout the school...

"A body has been discovered!"

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