He Learns About Your Home Life (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

I sat on the edge of one of the ramps in my lab. I was deep in thought when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"


"Come in." He opened the door and sat beside me.

"You haven't been yourself today. Something on your mind?" I nodded and smiled softly.

"I've been thinking about my brother... He's the one who introduced me to skateboarding in the first place... He was super jealous of my skills..." I giggled softly, thinking of all the times I would show off to him.

"I see. You guys must be pretty close, huh?" I nodded.

"Yeah. We were. He was my best friend and he was always there for me when I needed him... I miss him so much..."

"Did something happen to him?" I frowned and nodded.

"We were going to the skatepark and I lost control of my board. I ended up on the road and a huge truck was going past without enough time to stop. My brother pushed me out of the way, but he got hit instead... He didn't die, but he did go into a coma." Shuichi put his arm around my shoulder.

"Y/n... That's awful. I'm so sorry."

"The doctors said he'll survive, but he probably won't be able to skateboard again. He may even need a wheelchair... If I wasn't so f*cking stupid he'd be fine. It's my fault!" I threw my board down and curled into a ball. Shuichi pulled me into a hug.

"It isn't your fault. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, how do you think he'd feel if he was you like this?" I thought about it for a minute.

"Y'know, he always said 'if something happens to me, you'd better live as nothing happened'... He'd probably be pretty upset if he knew the accident kept me from skateboarding for a year..."

☄️Kaito Momota☄️

I was having a snack with Kaito in the dining hall. We were quiet, but then Kaito spoke.

"I've been meaning to ask you something. How did you get into meteorology in the first place?" I looked at him and sighed.

"...My parents died in a tornado." His eyes widened and he hugged me.

"Oh my god... Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know." He sounded like he felt guilty. "D-Do you wanna talk about it?" I nodded.

"It came out of n-nowhere... T-There wasn't enough time for all of us to get to the s-shelter... I-I heard mommy screaming that she l-loved me... and then they both screamed..." I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Kaito held me tighter. "A-After the storm, I moved in with my aunt and uncle... They don't love me. They make me sleep in the closet and do a lot of chores... I-I started to learn meteorology so may I could s-save others..." Kaito kissed my head and wiped the tears off my face.

"I'll take care of you Y/n... I'll be your hero..."

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

"And done. How does it look?" I looked in the mirror and smiled. Rantaro had just finished doing my hair. I always liked how he did it. It reminded me of when mommy would do my hair every morning. 

"It looks great! Thank you Rantaro!" I hugged him and he laughed.

"It's no problem. Your hair is really nice to work with! Your parents must love doing your hair." I froze and looked down. "Is something wrong?"

"Mommy always did my hair in the mornings. She was really good at it too..." Rantaro sat down in front of me. He looked sad.

"Did something happen to her?" I nodded. "Do you wanna talk about it?" 

"Mommy got really sick and she had to go to the hospital a lot. She got more and sicker, and then one day she went to the hospital and... she never came home." Rantaro hugged me and kissed my head. "Daddy said she had a brain tumour... I don't know what that is but it sounds scary..." Rantaro wiped the tears that were on my face. He looked really sad. "After Mommy went away, Daddy started drinking stuff that smelt really yucky. He would drink a lot of it and then he would get mad..." Rantaro hugged me tighter. 

"When we get out, I'll help you. I'll protect you, little one. I promise..."

👻Korekiyo Shinguji👻

Kiyo was showing me the different artefacts in his lab. I liked learning about the different ways people lived, and Kiyo made sure I could understand him. Some of his stories scared me a little bit, though. I looked at one of the pictures on the wall and my eyes went wide.

The man in the painting... He looked just like my daddy.

I didn't notice how long I was looking at the painting. Kiyo crouched in front of me.

"Is something the matter, Y/n? You look as if you've seen a yokai." I looked at him.

"Painting... Look... Like... Daddy..." He turned towards the painting I was staring at.

"I see. Is it bothering you?" I nodded and he led me away from it. Once we were far enough away, he talked to me. "I don't believe you've told me about your family life. I have a feeling that you have some struggles with your father." I nodded again. He told me to wait where I was standing and he came back with a pen and paper. "If you can, tell me about why your father causes you anguish." I didn't know how to write it, so I tried to tell him instead.

"Daddy... Bad guy... He make me... Hide bad things..." Kiyo picked me up.

"What kind of bad things, little one?" I whimpered.

"D-drugs..." Kiyo held me tighter and I heard him growl.

"He used you as a mule..." He was mad. Kiyo would only whisper like that when he was super duper angry. "Is there anything else he would do to harm you, child?"

"Daddy... hit me... if I... talk too much..." I felt tears on my face and Kiyo pet my head. "One time... I talk too loud... Daddy... cut... me..." Kiyo growled louder. 

"Where did he cut you?" I pointed to my throat. "So this is why you struggle... It hurts you to communicate..." I nodded. Kiyo sighed. "When we get out, I will be your protector. No one will ever harm you again, my dear..." He rocked me in his arms and sang to me, and I slowly fell asleep.

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