Xmas Special! (DR1)

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Author: This is a non-despair AU. I will occasionally do these chapters.

🦊Makoto Naegi🦊

Makoto and I were walking through the city. It was snowing and we were both freezing, even with our jackets.

"Do you wanna get some hot cocoa," Makoto asked. I nodded and we went to a nearby cafe. I got regular and he got candy cane flavoured. There were no tables inside, so we sat on a bench outside. Makoto took a sip of his cocoa and got some above his lip.

"Cocoa moustache!" I giggled and hit and he wiped his lip. We finished our drinks and started walking back to my place. We finally arrived at I thanked him for walking me home.

"Don't mention it. I wouldn't want you to walk alone in this cold." He rubbed the back of his head with a smile. "Hey, tomorrow's Christmas and I know you and your family aren't close so... do you wanna hang out tomorrow? My family celebrated a few days ago." I smiled.

"I'll ask my parents. They'll probably say yes." I ran in and asked. Sure enough, they said yes.

🐺Mondo Owada🐺

Mondo and I were decorating the school halls for Christmas. We were putting up streamers, garlands, fake snowflakes and ornaments. Finally, we started decorating the tree. He put ornaments on the high spots and I did the bottom. The last piece was the star. 

"Do you wanna put the star up?" I looked at him, then at the tree.

"I can't reach the top." Mondo smiled.

"Here, hold it." He passed me the star then picked me up. "See? Now you can reach it!" I giggled and put the star on the tree. He put me down and grabbed the plug. "Ready? I'm gonna turn it on now!" I nodded.

"Three! Two! One!" As soon as I finished, he plugged it in and the tree turned on. The lights were bright and colourful and even the star lit up! 

"So? What do you think?" Mondo stood beside me. I looked at him.

"Best tree EVER!"

🦢Byakuya Togami🦢

Byakuya and I were playing a game of chess in the park. Neither of us really wanted to see our family this Christmas, but we didn't really have a choice. Once we finished, we decided to start walking home. We were walking back to my grandparent's place and I was tensing up a bit. Byakuya looked at me.

"You know what? F*ck this. I'll get a hotel room for tonight and well spend the holiday away from our families." I nodded. We went to a hotel run by his family and got us a shared room. 

It was getting late and I was about to sleep when I remembered something. I got him a present.

"I just remembered... I got you something." Byakuya looked at me while I opened my backpack. I found the gift and handed it to him. "It's not much but I didn't want to get a gift for my grandparents..." He opened the gift which was a custom king chess piece. It had his name on it. He smiled at me.

"I love it Y/n. I'll be sure to use it when we play."

🦁Leon Kuwata🦁

Leon and his team were visiting the foster home I lived at for a charity thing. They brought us some gifts and canned foods, the usual things we expect this time of year. However, we all ended up in the backyard in a snowball fight. Leon and I were on the same team and it was all-out war. There was snow flying everywhere and I think at one point one of the other kids ended up in the air. 

At the end of the day, all the kids were heading to bed. I fell asleep in the living room. I woke up when I felt myself being picked up and carried. I looked and saw Leon carrying me to my room. 

"W-Wha..." He smiled.

"You passed out, kid. I figured I'd get you to bed." I buried my face in his shoulder, still tired. He put me on my bed and tucked me in. I fell asleep, but not before hearing him say "Merry Christmas, kiddo. Sweet dreams."

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