He gets executed but survives (DR2)

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♥️Hajime Hinata♥️

"NO! HE'S NOT THE KILLER!" I was screaming. Hajime was shaking and breathing heavily.

"N-NO! I DIDN'T DO IT!" He slammed his hands down on his stand, begging for mercy. It was too late, though. Hajime was found guilty. He screamed, begging for mercy. I collapsed, shaking and crying. Hajime looked at me then looked at the others. "Nagito... Chiaki... Take care of her... Please..." I was screaming.

"N-NO! HAJIME DON'T LEAVE ME! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE!" I screamed as he was taken away. Chiaki crouched to me and held me. I cried into her chest, shaking. Even Nagito rubbed my back, trying to calm me. A minute passed and everything was silent other than my sobs. Chiaki and Nagito let me go and I felt all alone before I felt a familiar hug.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm here... I'm okay..." I looked and saw Hajime hugging me. I cried out and bawled into his shoulder, except now it was happy tears.

"D-Don't leave me... S-Stay..." He nodded and squeezed me tighter.

"Shh, Shh Shh... I'm not gonna leave you... I'm here now..."

🐀Nagito Komaeda🐀

"N-No... N-Nagi..." I was shaking. Nagi just started laughing. I looked at him, shaking. "Nagi you promised... You promised you'd protect me..." He stared at me with that insane look on his face.

"And I will... Me dying brings you closer to finishing the game..." He was about to walk towards Monokuma, but I grabbed his arm.

"P-Please... Nagito... I'm scared... I don't..." He took his coat off and wrapped me in it.

"Hajime, take care of her... Keep her safe..." He waved us off and I screamed. I couldn't look at Nagi's execution. I couldn't watch my best friend die. Everything went silent and I collapsed onto my knees, clinging to Nagi's jacket. After a few seconds, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I promised I'd give everyone hope, didn't I?" I looked up and there was Nagi, smiling at me. I lept into his arms and he chuckled. "I'm not gonna leave you... Not ever again... I promise..."

🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹

"No... H-He didn't..." Everyone voted for Gundham except me. Gundham looked at me and picked me up.

"I'm sorry, my child... I had to protect you. You needed to eat. Now I must return to my kingdom. Do not fret, however. I will continue to protect you from my castle. And you must protect my Devas." He took his scarf off and gave it to me. He looked at the others. "Sonia, I entrust you with her." He passed me to her. I screamed and started crying when Gundham was taken away. Sonia rocked me slowly, trying to calm me. After a minute, I felt Sonia hand me to someone else.

"It's alright, my child. I am alright..." I looked up and saw Gundham holding me. I gasped and hugged him tighter.

"S-Stay..." He hushed me and kissed my head.

"I will never leave you, my child... My princess..."

🕶️Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu🕶️

"NO! HE DIDN'T DO IT!" I screamed as Fuyuhiko was voted guilty. Peko had a look of horror on her face. Fuyuhiko growled and looked towards us.

"I don't wanna see either of you f*cking cry. Got it?" He walked to Peko and put a hand on her shoulder. "I have one final order for you, Peko..."

"Yes, young master?" She was holding back tears. Her voice was shaky. Fuyuhiko glanced at me.

"Protect Y/n with your life. Don't let anybody hurt her. When you get out, I want her mother gone. Not dead, but gone." Peko nodded. Fuyuhiko crouched to me.

"P-Please... Don't leave me too..." I was trying not to cry. Fuyuhiko kissed my head softly.

"I'm not gonna die here. He's not gonna take me down. Besides, you have Peko. You won't be alone..." Fuyuhiko turned away from us and walked towards his death. Peko crouched beside me and rubbed my back. I was fighting back tears as I watched him be executed. I was shaking and grabbed Peko's hand.

My eyes widened when Fuyuhiko stood up. Peko ran towards him, helping him walk. 

"Young master! We must get you to the infirmary!" He pushed her off, claiming he was fine. He crouched in front of me and smirked.

"I told you I wasn't gonna die here..."

Ultimate In Training (Danganronpa Boys x Child reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें