Introductions from his POV (DRV3)

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🔎Shuichi Saihara🔎

"Ah!" I hit the floor with a loud thud. "Ugh... What the-" I raised my head off the floor and looked around the room. "A... Classroom? This isn't my school..." I sat up and took a good look around. "Is this even a classroom? It's covered in plants..." I grabbed one of the desks and pulled myself up, walking around a bit. The chalkboard was one of those fancy projected ones, but the rest of the place seemed to be completely abandoned. "What is going on-"

"Ow! Sh*t!" I turned around and my eyes widened. The other locker was open and a girl had fallen onto the ground.

"O-Oh! Are you okay?" I crouched down beside her, a little worried. She seemed to be a bit younger than me. She sighed, annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm good... Where the hell are we? And who are you?" She didn't seem very happy about this whole situation, and I couldn't help but softly laugh to myself.

"My name is Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective. And you are?" I helped her to her feet and she dusted off the top of her uniform. 

"My name is Y/n L/n. Ultimate Skateboarder. It's nice to meet ya, Shuichi! Now, where the hell are we?" I rubbed the back of my head, embarrassed.

"I have no idea. My last memory is being kidnapped and passing out. What about you?" She sighed in annoyance.

"Same here. Those f*ckers were strong. They even took my skateboard!" 

'Not much of a filter, huh?' I thought to myself, slightly taken aback. Her uniform looks like it's from an elementary school. Would that mean she's... "A-Anyways... This is kind of a weird question but... How old are you?" 

"Last I remember, I just turned 10." Wait... SHE'S TEN?! That did nothing to calm my nerves. "It's okay Shuichi. I'll probably be fine on my own, so don't worry about me!"

☄️Kaito Momota☄️

I shoved whatever was in front of me, before immediately collapsing and falling to the floor.

"Oww... This hurts..." I heard some light footsteps walking towards me as I groaned in pain and rolled onto my back.

"A-Are you okay mister? You hit your head really bad." I looked up and my eyes widened. The person talking was a kid, and she seemed to be groggy. 

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. But are you okay? You sound like you're hurt!" I got onto my knees and quickly began to examine her for any injuries. I have no idea where I am, but I swear if this kid has so much as a scratch I'll-

"My head hurts a lot, and I fell down on my face..." Well, that settles it. I will be brutally assaulting whoever the hell brought us here... But, I couldn't focus on vengeance yet. I had to focus on her, so I just nodded and finished my examination.

"Well, my name is Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! I'm the Ultimate Astronaut!" In an attempt to cheer her up, I gave her a little salute. It seemed to work because she laughed softly and saluted back.

"I'm Y/n L/n! Ultimate Meteorologist! I guess we both like the sky, huh?" Well, whaddya know? She's like a mini-me! I ruffled her hair a bit, smiling.

"I think we'll get along great, kid. And don't worry about a thing. I'll stick with ya until we get outta here." I figured that since neither of us knows what's going on, she'd appreciate having someone on her side to protect her from anything that may harm her. I'm going to protect her if it's the last thing I do.

🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

"Well, this is strange..." I walked out of the locker and took a look around the room I was in. It seemed to be a classroom, but there were wildflowers and grass everywhere, so it looked overgrown. I wouldn't have minded the... aesthetic if it weren't for the fact that my last memory was being shoved in a van. "Okay... Think, Rantaro. You were walking home and then a group of people cornered you in an alleyway, you fought back and now you're here... Ugh. I can't remember anything... Wait, what's this?" I noticed that my pocket felt heavy, so I reached in and pulled out a tablet-like device. "Mono... Pad? Ultimate Survivor?" I fiddled around with the device for a while, and eventually, I realized what was going on. "This... This can't be real..." I sat down at one of the desks and took a minute to take everything in. Eventually, however, I took a deep breath and walked towards the exit. I put my hand on the doorknob and prepared to leave, when...

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