🎲Kokichi Oma🎲

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(There's an Author note at the end)

Your age: 5

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Toymaker


"O-Owie!" I fell onto the floor with a thud. It hurt a lot. 

"Ni hehe... You had quite the tumble there!" I looked up and saw a boy looking down at me. He had short purple hair and was wearing mostly white. "Aww, you're so cute!" He picked me up and hugged me like a teddy bear. I tried to push him off, but he kept squeezing. "My name is Kokichi Oma! I'm the Ultimate Supreme Leader! What's your name, little one?"

"M-My name is Y/n L-L/n. I'm the Ultimate T-Toymaker..." He squealed and squeezed me even tighter.

"Aww, you are just way too cute! Now then, do you have any idea where we are?" I looked around the classroom and shook my head no.

"No... C-Can you put me d-down?" He giggled and put me on his back.

"Nope! I'm gonna carry you now! You're just way too cute for me to let you go! Besides, who knows what kind of danger is in this place? You're lucky that I'm here to protect you!" I thought about it for a moment. He did have a point...

"O-Okay... J-Just don't s-squeeze me anymore..." He giggled as we walked out the door.

"I won't anymore. That's a promise."

--The First Murder--

There's less than an hour left. Kokichi and I were in the game room with some of the others and he was holding me. I was terrified. In less than an hour, I'll probably be dead. I looked up at Kokichi, who was resting his arms and chin on my head.

"You're nervous, aren't ya? Don't worry. I, Kokichi Oma, will protect you!" He sounded brave. I don't understand how he's so calm, especially now.

"D-Do you promise?" He turned me to face him before nodding his head yes.

"I promise. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. It's a leader's job to protect his people, after all!" He pulled me into a hug and I nuzzled into his shoulder. He held me like that for a long time, at least 20 minutes. When the time was about to run out, when we were all prepared to die...

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the library!" Kokichi picked me up and put me on his back, carrying me to the library. We walked in and my eyes widened.

"N-No... N-NO!" I hid my face into Kokichi's back, crying. On the ground, covered in blood was our friend...

Rantaro Amami...

(No execution chapter sorry)

--When You Almost Drown--

"Y/n~ Where did you run off to?" I had been searching for Y/n for about 10 minutes now. She reminds me so much of myself when she does this... A little sneaky one! I began thinking of where I hadn't looked yet and for once in my life, I felt genuine terror. 

I haven't looked in the pool yet.

I ran out of the main building and into the pool area. I looked in and my worst fears were confirmed. Y/n was struggling to stay afloat. Panicking, I knelt down and held my arm out.

"Y/n! Grab on and I'll pull you out, okay?!" Her tiny hand grabbed mine and I pulled with all my strength. Once I got her out of the water, I laid her down on the ground and checked for any injuries. She was fine, thankfully. "Ni hehe... Clumsy little Y/n..." I giggled softly to myself before looking down at her. She was trembling and crying. Now I feel bad! I crouched down beside her and pulled her into a hug. "Aww, it's okay. You're safe now." She nuzzled into my chest and clung to my shirt. I gently stroked her hair and rocked back and forth, carrying her to Kirumi so she could get looked over.

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