Introduction (DR2)

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❤Hajime Hinata❤
Your talent: Ultimate Marine Biologist

I woke up on a strange island. I had no idea where I was, and everyone else appeared to be just as if not more confused. The group didn't seem to see me at first, which made sense since I was hidden in some bushes. I stood up, wobbling a bit.

"Wha... What happened?" Everyone turned to me and a look of shock came on everyone's faces. 'Makes sense. They're all big kids.'  I looked around at everyone here. There was a bunch of super tall people, some short people, and a L O T of people with really weird hair. One of the people who looked somewhat normal (except for the hair) approached me.

"Are you okay?" He crouched down to me, and he had a worried look in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay. My head hurts a lot though..." I rubbed my head, trying to get rid of the pounding headache. "My name is Y/n L/n. I'm the Ultimate Marine Biologist." I held out my hand for the boy to shake, which he did politely.

"My name is Hajime Hinata. I... can't remember my talent right now." He had an embarrassed look on his face as he rubbed the back of hid head. "A-Anyways, come meet the others. I don't think you've met them yet, right?" I nodded and he led me towards the group to meet everybody else.

🐀Nagito Komaeda🐀

Your talent: Ultimate Percussionist

Age: 8 

I entered the school classroom, and there were already a few people there. They looked towards me, and a look of shock appeared on everyone's faces. I was surprised too since I was supposed to be in the training course with a bunch of younger kids, not the main course with the teenage ultimates. My eyes darted across the room, confused and a little worried before a tall boy with white hair approached me. 

"C'mon in kid. We don't bite... At least I don't think we do." I went in and sat at one of the desks. People started asking me a lot of questions, and I couldn't hear anyone talking. Finally, the white-haired boy spoke up. "Guys, chill. They don't even know our names yet. And besides, they probably aren't even supposed to be in this class. Now, what's your name and talent, kid?" He crouched beside my desk and I took a deep breath.

"My name is Y/n L/n, and I'm the ultimate percussionist." I was the only one who was able to introduce myself before we heard a voice behind the teacher's desk.

"Welcome to Hopes Peak Academy!"

🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹

Your Talent: Ultimate Plush Maker

Age:3.5 (heckin babey)

I woke up on a bed in a strange place. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light, I looked around. It was a small building with 2 beds, a door that I think was for the bathroom and a door that went outside. I was... kinda scared. Just kidding, A LOTA SCARED! I didn't know where I was and I was all alone. I don't like being all alone! 

I hid under the blanket, trying not to cry. After a few minutes, I couldn't hold back anymore and I started sobbing lightly. 'I wanna go home...'  After a few minutes, I heard the door open and I went dead silent. 'maybe they won't notice I'm here if I'm super duper quiet...' 

After a few seconds, I heard the person speak. 

"It appears this will be our lair while we reside here..." The persons' voice was really deep, and he didn't sound happy. I heard some squeaking noises as well, but I refused to leave my hiding spot. "Hmm? What's this? This bed appears to have a lump!" My eyes widened in fear as the person approached. He threw the blanket off.

"e-eek!" I quickly shielded my face with my hands. "D-don't hurt m-me!" The person said nothing, but I could feel his eyes on me. He stared at me silently for about 7 seconds, before he spoke up.

"Just what are you doing here, child?!" He sounded confused and angry. 'Oh no. He's mad. He's gonna hurt me...'

"I-I just woke u-up here s-sir! I-I don't k-know where I am!" I curled into a ball and rocked back and forth. The man sat beside me and watched. Now he looked concerned.

"Do you have any recollection of what happened before you awoke, young maiden?" I looked up at him. His hair looked kinda silly, but I didn't wanna laugh. He had a scar on his face, no eyebrows, and his eyes were two different colours. I didn't want him to get mad at me, so answered his question.

"My uncle dropped me off at school, and he told me to find the main hall and wait there. I went inside, but then my head felt funny and I fell down..." I told him everything I remembered and he nodded.

"I see... It appears we have been brought here for similar reasons. I am called Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder! Remember that name child, for someday I will rule this foul earth!" He shouted the last part of his sentence and I trembled. He was even scarier than I thought!

"M-My name i-is Y/n L/n... I-I'm the Ultimate P-Plush Maker.." The man nodded and he ruffled my hair.

"Fear not, young maiden. For I will ensure your safety on this island."

Author Note:
I may add Fuyuhiko at a later date.

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