How he grieves (DR2)

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♥️Hajime Hinata♥️

He blames himself. He feels as if it's because of him that you died. He has violent nightmares of you screaming and crying for him and he can't do anything to help you. Chiaki is always there for him and Nagito tries to help as well. He doesn't go to the beach anymore. He doesn't do any of the things he loved doing, because he did them with you.

🐀Nagito Komaeda🐀

He went insane after the trial. Nobody wanted to get near him. They had to restrain him sometimes and he would laugh maniacally. Other times he would cry. They found him with your instruments once, crying while clutching your DIY drumsticks. He thinks it's because of his luck. He was supposed to keep you safe and he failed.

🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹

He's furious. He lashes out at everyone and refuses to talk to anyone. Even the Devas worry about him, but he ignores them. He spends most of his day at the memorial he made for you, pleading for forgiveness. He barely sleeps at night, haunted by the image of your tiny body. He made a promise to get off the island so he can continue your legacy.

🕶️Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu🕶️

He feels horrible. He let you go off on your own and now you were gone. He and Peko made a memorial for you and they would sit there most of the day. Peko would cry into his shoulder and he would comfort you. They actually ended up dating officially and they would consider you their daughter. It absolutely killed them that they couldn't protect you.

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