The First Murder (DR2)

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♥️ Hajime Hinata ♥️

Hajime brought me with him to Byakuya's party, claiming he didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone. I was starting to feel a bit tired pretty early on and I wanted to leave. Hajime told me that we would leave soon, but for now, I could rest. I rested against the wall, yawning. I almost fell asleep, when the world went dark.

"H-Huh?!",  I looked around, scared. I knew I was awake, but the world was pitch black. "H-Hajime?! W-Where are you?!" I spun around, desperately searching for him. I felt someone bump into me. 

"Is that you Y/n?" It was Hajime! I threw my arms around him and held on for dear life. "A-Alright kid. It'll be okay." He sat down, pulling me with him and wrapped his arms around me. It took a few minutes, but eventually, the lights came back on. I sighed in relief and rubbed my eyes.

"Hajime, I just wanna go to bed..." He picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Wait a minute- Where's Byakuya?!" I felt Hajime spin his head around with his breathing growing quicker. I whimpered and clung to his shirt, trembling. Hajime put me on the floor and asked me to wait. I curled up on the floor, about to fall asleep. Hajime looked under the table and everyone gasped.

Byakuya was lying face down in a puddle of his own blood with a knife beside him. I slammed my eyes shut and screamed. Hajime quickly ran back towards me, pulling me into an overprotective embrace. I cried into his shoulder, shaking in fear.

"N-No... T-This is just a nightmare..."

🐀Nagito Komaeda🐀

Nagito and I were sitting on the floor together eating dinner. I told him about various different instruments that I liked to play, like the drums or marimba.

"Once we get off this island you'll have to play some music for me, kay?" I nodded, and we started talking about him. The conversation was just getting good when the room was suddenly flooded with darkness.

"W-What? Where did the lights go?!" Don't tell anyone this, but I kinda have a thing about the dark. I felt something wrap around my hand, and I was about to scream.

"It's okay Y/n, it's just me." Thank goodness it was just Nagito. I was shaking and I knew he could tell. After a few minutes, the lights switched on. "You okay, Y/n?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay... W-Wait! Where's Byakuya?!" As soon as I finished my sentence, everyone started searching for him. Hajime lifted up a table cloth and then...


Nagito covered my eyes, but it was too late. I saw poor Byakuya in a pool of his own blood. I clung to Nagito's arms, trembling.

"H-He... He's dead..."

🐹Gundham Tanaka🐹

Gundham was holding my hand when we were at the party. He gave me a plate of food which looked small to the others, but really big to me. He didn't take anything because he 'wasn't hungry'. After a little while, I yawned and tugged on his coat.

"I'm tired... c-can we go home n-now?" I rubbed my eyes. Gundham nodded.

"We shall leave in due time. I must bid farewell to our fellow party members before we depart, however." I still didn't understand his big words, but I think he meant 'I need to say bye-bye to everyone'. After a few minutes, we were about to leave, when the room went really dark.

"A-AAH!" I screamed and grabbed onto Gundham's coat. He picked me up and held me.

"No need to worry, young maiden. I'm certain that the light will return to this dark kingdom. For now, just relax..." I snuggled up to him, about to fall asleep. Just before I could go to dreamland, the lights came back on. I was kinda mad. I just wanna sleep. I looked around the party room at all the others who looked confused. After a few seconds, Nagito said something.

"Hey, where's Byakuya?" I looked around again and didn't see him. Everybody started looking, even Gundham. After a few moments, Hajime lifted a tablecloth and screamed. I turned to look at him... and I saw the scariest thing ever.

Byakuya was on his tummy with a lot of blood on him. I may only be three and a half, but I know what this means...

Mr.Byakuya is dead.

I screamed and hid my face into Gundham's scarf. He held me and his Devas close like he was trying to protect us.

"I wanna wake up now..."

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