Confusion would be the understatement of the decade. Why was he sorry? And to whom? But she ignored that and continued to watch the show.

Harrison landed in Paris and there was Paul standing for him. "Aye, mate!! Glad you changed your mind." Paul exclaimed as he hugged Harrison.

"I am glad myself," Harrison said with a small smile. "Well four of us created a plan. If the plan is working, Rose should be out with Hailey and Alicia. Robert is waiting for us in the cab." Paul said as he took Harrison's suitcase and dragged it away.

"Uhh, do you all think she will take it sportingly?" Harrison asked nervously. "Well, she should. But what's major she will do? Have volcano outburst on you?" Paul asked as he looked at Harrison.

"Well I had other option in my head, but this one is a lot better," Harrison said with nervous laughter. "But this break was mutual. So why do you think Rose will be angry?" Paul asked as they reached the car they rented.

"Well, I think she will think that I am playing with her emotions. When we had the talk, she was crying and I couldn't do anything but hug her and say we will be alright and the break is necessary." Harrison said as Paul kept the case in the bunker.

"Well think positive. Let's go." Paul laughed at the anxiety Harrison was facing. Harrison sighed and sat inside the car.


"Guys, why are we shopping yet again?" Rose asked as Alicia was trying out a foundation.

"Because I was lacking makeup items, and I wanted more of makeup, and you, being a makeup influencer should know that, enough makeup is not a thing," Alice said as she laughed.

"Point well made, Alicia. I think I will buy some makeup too. And see I am here too." Rose said as she let go of every thought as she her attention was diverted to her products.

"See, you are famous," Hailey said with fluid sarcasm. "Hey, a girl needs to fangirl over herself." Rose laughed as she went to fenty beauty section.

"Well, you are not wrong there," Alicia said as she finalised on what colour suited well.


Harrison was in Rose's hotel room. After much arguments, Harrison was waiting for Rose to show up.

What if she didn't want to see you? What if you are going be yelled at? What if waiting in her room is extreme? What will she think about you?

Harrison's thoughts were running wild. He sat on the chair and kept his head in his hands. "Why am I such an idiot? She is gonna kill me." Harrison said with exasperation.

"Well, you should talk to her before coming up with a conclusion." Someone spoke which made Harrison lookup.

He stood up abruptly. "I didn't hear you coming." Harrison nervously spoke.

"Well you don't hear well, do you know that?" Rose asked softly.

"Well, you are correct. I never hear correct. But you do know that I am an idiot, don't you?" Harrison asked sheepishly. 

Harrison osterfield imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon