Demon!Virgil x Reader

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TW: Demons, bomb.

Let me know if I need to add anything!

Last night, you dreamt you were visited by a demon.

Sitting across from you bed on the floor, he looked like an ordinary person. An ordinary person who broke into your house while you slept.

He didn't wear a fancy suit, or dingy street clothes with low hanging pants, bulky shirts and golden chains.

No, he wore a black and purple jacket  and black ripped jeans. But the part of him that you remembered most was neither of those. No, it was the eyeshadow underneath his eyes.

So how did you know he was a demon?


He told you.

Seeing you wake up, he stood up. "Hey." He said.

"..hi?" You responded, scared and confused.

"My name- well, you can't really pronounce my real name, but I go by Virgil."

His- Virgil's comment about his real name made you even more confused.

"...and why are you- are you in my house?"

"I'm a demon."

Those three words sent you into a panic. You threw yourself at the wall next to your bed and pressed yourself against it. "Ple-please! Don't-dont take my soul, I-I-I-"

He cut you off before you finished your sentence. "Oh, no! Not like that. Demons aren't like what you see on tv, uh, well, some are, but not my- well, my group." 

You tilted your head, very confused.

Virgil sighed in frustration. "Well, uh, my group- we're the ones who weren't good enough to be sent to Hell, like we did some questionable things but nothing awful, you know? But we weren't bad enough in life to deserve going to full out Hell. So it's a sort of purgatory? I guess? But like, in Hell." He tried to explain.

You nodded, partially understanding. "Oh... So you're not here to kill me?"

He shook his head.

"Then why are you here?" You asked quietly. You had gained a bit of confidence then, believing it to be a dream. That Virgil didn't exist. That you were still asleep.

"I was sent here to protect you." 

That sentence struck fear into your heart. Why had they sent a demon to protect you? Protect you from what? Why in the world did you need protecting?

"Nope. No. Uh-uh, I'm not buying it. Just say you're a creep who wanted to kill me or something." You buried your head in your hands.

Unbeknownst to you, Virgil's face fell. You still didn't believe him. "...I can prove it to you."

You peeked put from behind your hands. ""

Virgil stood back and muttered a few words under his breath. Words of a language long dead, possibly a language never created. Words that seemed like gibberish to the human ear.

And then he glowed red.

You jumped back, pressing yourself into the wall again. 

Virgil unfolded wings from his back, and horns he hadn't had before appeared on his head. A tail curled around his leg. The red glow faded and the n disappeared into the darkness. "Believe me now?"

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