Thomas x bullied!sibling!Reader

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A/N: The great  Mackapie has returned! It's been a while since I've done a Thomas x Reader, lately it's been a lot of Virgil, lol. Anyway, enjoy!


You walked through the Halls of your school, keeping your head down. Your (E/c) eyes stayed on the floor, counting your steps.

1, 2, 3.

"Hey, fatass, where do you think you're going?" You winced as you heard one of your bullies, Bexley, call out to you. Her posse giggled behind her, saying stuff like "Good one, Bex!"

4, 5, 6.

"Hey, I spoke to you, bitch. What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get back here!" She sashayed towards you. 

7, 8, 9.

Bexley grabbed your shirt and threw you into the nearest locker.

You looked into her green eyes, fear filling yours.

"Oh, is the fatass gonna listen to me now? Huh?" Bex kicked you.

"I-I'm not fat...!" You managed to get out, despite Bex and her posse beating you up.

"Yeah? Then what's your weight? C'mon, bitch, tell us!" Her group cackled. "Hey, Donna, get the knife."

"I-I don't know! Please, stop!" You began looking around frantically, hoping to see your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner somewhere.

Bex and a couple of her friends dragged you to the bathroom and restrained you. 

"I wonder why? Is it because you broke the scale from how fat you are?" Bex cackled.

Sure, you were a little overweight, but that didn't mean you were fat! You were still active, and you ate healthy food, you just had trouble losing weight. (Preach, Reader.)

You tried to scream as they began cutting your arm, carving a word into it. One of the posse members covered your mouth and Bex continued cutting.

Finally, the bell rang and they left you bleeding in the bathroom. You sobbed as you sat up and held your arm.

You cried harder, even though it hurt when you saw what they carved into your arm.


The bathroom door opened and in walked (Name), your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. They rushed towards you.

"(Y/n), what happened?! Was it Bex again?" They spat out her name like it was vermin. Which it was.

You nodded, accepting (Name)'s hug. 

"Why don't we go to the nurse, and then the principal, and then go home early?" They suggested, and you nodded again, wiping tears from your eyes.

You two walked down the now empty halls of this school, making a few turns here and there.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

You two went into the nurse's office, and once he saw what had happened to you, he called the principal over to his office.

The principal walked in and you shifted a bit.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n), right?" She knelt down in front of you. "Would you like to tell me who it was? Don't worry, we'll tell them a teacher saw."

"B-Bexley and her posse." You mumbled after your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.

The principle nodded. "Thank you for telling me, (Y/n). You're a brave person, you know that, right?" 

You nodded, and allowed the nurse to finish bandaging your arm.

Afterwards, you and (Name) went home to your house. You were nervous, because you'd have to tell your older brother, Thomas, what had happened. You were afraid he'd be mad you didn't tell him sooner, since this had been happening for almost a year now.

You took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Thomas...? I'm home early... And I brought (Name) over as well." You called out, hearing footsteps from upstairs come running downstairs.

"What happened? Are you okay? Is (Name) okay?" Thomas came running to the door and paused once he saw the bandages on your arm, and the bruises all over you.

"(Y/n), what happened to you...?" Thomas ran forward and engulfed you in a hug. You accepted, but were careful so as to not get any blood on him.

"Bexley... She hurt me. But I told the principle, and she said she's going to do something about it!" You released yourself from the hug, and checked your arm. The blood had begun to seep through, giving a faint outline of fatass that was just about readable. Thomas noticed, and read it. He covered his mouth and grabbed his phone.

He went upstairs and called the school, and you heard bits of his conversation.

"I can't believe something like this could be happening right under your nose!... No, suspending her won't do anything. You need to expell this Bexley girl. I'm pretty sure carving a word, especially the one on my little sibling's arm is illegal!"

You smiled, and went to sit down on the couch. (Name) followed you and you two began cuddling. Eventually, Thomas came downstairs, and sat on the other side of you.

You spent the rest of the day  (And many more after that) cuddling each other and watching movies. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner assured you that you weren't fat, and Thomas told you that you're beautiful. Luckily, there were no scars.

What happened to Bexley? Well, she got expelled, and her posse was suspended and given detention for the rest of the school year. You never had any trouble with them again.

A/N: Okay, there you go, Mackapie! I hope I did well. If I didn't, comment or message me, and I'll either rewrite it, or write a different request for you. That's all for now!

One last thing, this book is coming up fast on 5k reads and I really want to celebrate it in a special way. So please, tell me ways I can thank you guys and celebrate it at the same time. Thank you!

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