Roman x assassin!Reader

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A/N: Yet again, Literal-Mess has blessed me with their ideas! Let's jump right in.

You smiled up at the dashing Prince Roman as you walked beside him through his royal gardens.

You were listening to him, but only partly. You were mostly letting your mind wander, thinking back to when you had been assigned this mission.

The mission to kill Prince Roman.


"(Y/n), I've heard of your... Abilities, let's say. I've heard you are quite talented with... Delicate matters." A voice rang out in the dark, empty room.

"Oh, please," you smirked. "I've only assassinated three other people."

"Bryan Dechart, Valorie Curry, and Jesse Williams. All three dead. All three made to look like suicide. All three brushed off, no investigations." The man looked at you. "I want to hire you."

"Who is my target?"

The man hesitated. "He will be a difficult target."

"I can handle difficult."

"I will give you a month to act."

"Who is my target?" You pressed.

"Prince Roman Sanders."


"Are you listening?" You snapped yourself out of your stupor, and looked at the Prince's concerned expression.

"Y-yeah, sorry...! I just got distracted by all the pretty flowers around us." You quickly lied, stammering only at the start.

Roman smiled, seeming happy with your excuse. "They are quite magnificent, aren't they?"

In order to assassinate someone, you first had to get close to them. Make them trust you. Make it so it's not suspicious for you to be handling, say, their food, or their clothes. But, by getting close to your target, you also had to get to know them. And, in doing so, you got attached.

Sometimes more so than others.

But falling in love with a target was a first.

Unfortunately, you had to complete this mission or the man who hired you would be out for your blood, and your reputation as an assassin would be tarnished.

And your allotted month was almost over.

Tonight was the fateful night. Tonight you would decide if you would continue the life of an assassin,or if you would confess your feelings and maybe live a life with love. Both were fulfilling, but one was more pleasant.

"Oh, look. We're through the gardens already. I suppose we should go back inside, my dear (Y/n)." His eyes sparkled as he said your name. Or was that just your imagination?


It was time.

Prince Roman was having his dinner now, and you had a chance to poison his food. You had gotten a poision that didn't work for an hour, so you could have him go back to his room, making a suicide much more believable.

But there was one problem.

Tonight was also your best chance to confess to him.

You hesitated with the posion in the kitchen, weighing pros and cons.

"(Y/n), where did you go?" Roman called out.


I sat down at the table, seeing (Y/n) come out of the kitchen. She/he/they placed my dinner in front of me, and sat across the table.

I began eating, not saying a word. (Y/n) picked at their dinner, looking nervous and sick the entire time. Eventually, I finished eating and spoke.

"Are you alright?"

"Huh?" She/he/they seemed caught off guard by my question.

"You haven't eaten a bite, and love been looking sick this entire time. Are you alright?"

"O-oh, yeah. I'm fine!" (Y/n) laughed nervously. 

I gave them a look that said, A R E  Y O U  S U R E  A B O U T  T H A T, but said nothing more. I stood up and went back to my room, (Y/n) in tow.

Once inside my room, I sat down and began reading one of my many books. A fairy tale, of course. (Y/n) entered my room and sat next to me on the red couch.

I glanced over at her/him/them but said nothing, and continued reading. Around fifty minutes passed, and they kept shifting nervously, and glancing over at me.

I closed my book, turned towards her/him/them, and asked:

"You are not okay. Please, tell me what's wrong." 

She/he/they looked over at me, then jumped closer and kissed me.


You were surprised when Roman kissed back, but extremely grateful. You hoped that he was telling you he reciprocated your feelings, and not just being polite.

When you two pulled away for air, he gave you a look. You sighed, and explained everything. You even told him about how you were an assassin, and how you almost added poison to his food. The reason you were so nervous all night was because you had to tell him and hope he reciprocated your feelings, because if he didn't, you would have to hide away for many years, hoping the man who hired you didn't find you.

Roman laughed, and told you that he, too, had grown feelings for you.

And you know what?

He protected you from anyone who tried to attack you, wether in disguise or not, and you two got the happy ending you deserved.

A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long to upload, stuff has been happening and it's taken a while to gather enough motivation to write again. Hopefully this was good, I wrote half a while ago before picking it up and running with it. I'll try to upload more!


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