Logan x deaf!Reader

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You have always been deaf, ever since you were six. Something happened (You don't quite remember, and no one will tell you) that caused you to lose your hearing. You still knew how to talk and read, but you preferred to use ASL. Who knew if you were shouting when you tried to talk? Not you!

During your highschool years, you met a man named Thomas Sanders. After he found out you were deaf, he secretly worked on learning ASL to communicate easily with you, and surprised you with it on your third friendship anniversary.

After highschool, (during which Thomas would help when your translator was sick) Thomas surprised you again by meeting his Sides. Creativity, or Roman, was eccentric, but in a good way. Anxiety, or Virgil, hung off to the side. Morality, or Patton, was friendly and bouncy, and he tried to talk in ASL. He ended up saying something about... Cucumber rabbits and cheese?

But Logan.

Logan knew many different languages, and ASL was one of them. He knew it even more fluently that Thomas did. You and Logan were able to have many great conversations, thanks to his higher understanding of the language.

At the moment, you were at Thomas's house, chatting with Logan.

I should've asked this earlier, sorry! How are you doing today? You signed.

It's quite alright. I'm doing adequately. How are you? Logan signed back.



Yeah...not bad, but... Not good.

What's the matter? Logan seemed concerned.

Well, some days I get tired of being deaf, you know? I want to hear all of your voices, I want to listen to music again... Hell, I just want to hear again. You signed out, shrugging at the end and adding: It's not that big of a deal, though.

Logan furrowed his brow. 

It's clearly something, though. I wish I could do something about it, but I'm afraid I cannot. I am sorry.

No, don't be. Let's just hang out today and forget about this whole thing. 

You gave Logan a small smile, and he allowed the ghost of a smile to show.

You spent the rest of the day hanging out with Thomas and his Sides, with Logan helping to translate what they were saying. You had a fun day, trying to do things that didn't need verbal communication. And if they did, Logan helped.

Logan was your best friend. Perhaps something more, but he never showed any sign of love and neither did you. (But I'll leave it up to the Reader to determine if they ended up together.)

As the day went on, you had more and more fun, despite your disability. Sure, sometimes it was sad, not being able to hear music or animals or other people's voices. But maybe...

...You could learn to live with it.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but man is it good to be back! Expect a much longer chapter in the future. Can't wait to see you then!

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