Roman x playwright!Reader

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"Hey, Roman, it's our five year anniversary of meeting each other. Do you remember? You were trying out for the play I wrote, 'Fallen Angel...."

You watched from the sidelines as another man walked onto stage to try out for your newest play, 'Fallen Angel'. There had been many before him, and there would be many after him. But there was something about the way he strode onto the stage, the way he carried himself, and the air of confidence that made you pay a little more attention to his performance.

"The people of my kingdom have deemed her an outsider, merely for the way she dresses and speaks. Watching her from afar it seems she might be... Scared. Of what? I have yet to find out." The man acted out the scene where the prince watched a young girl from across the street.

It was one of your favourite scenes, as after the girl got up from the cafe, a group of slightly older guys would follow her, trapping her in an alleyway and proceeding to try to beat her up. They'd fail, but not because the prince would come save her. She'd fight back against them, and bump into the prince as she left the alleyway.

A summary of the plot is a strange girl comes to a prince's kingdom. She looks, acts, and speaks different. People shy away from her, and the prince notices. He thinks she might be scared, but after meeting her in the alley, he knows she's not scared of getting hurt. At least physically.

As the prince finds out as the story goes on, she was emotionally and mentally abused and manipulated by one of her close friends. She tried time and time again to sever ties, but the friend kept coming back, until the girl lashed out. She got violent, then scared upon seeing the damage. She ran, hiding in another kingdom, putting up walls and keeping her distance.

The prince comes into her life, acting like a friend, not a lover. Scared, she hides in the shell she created. Eventually, the prince brings out the soft, creative girl that hid behind a tough, cold exterior. They end up friends for life. There is never any intention of a romance, as it is established early on the prince is gay.

The man finished the scene, and even though you one there were more men, he was the one.

A couple weeks later, and he was going over his lines one last time before the first showing of your play. You walked up to him.

"Hey, you'll do great. I chose you for a reason!" You laughed, patting his shoulder.

Roman (That was his name) smiled, adjusting the red sash. "You're right, I will do fantastically!" 

You playfully pushed him away. "Go on, Mr. Ego. Your cue is about to be called."

With that, he grinned and ran off.

Roman aced that performance, and the next two. You were right to choose him.

A couple months later, you two were meeting up for coffee. You had become great friends during that time, and he was helping you write your next play. 

"What if, instead of the usual trope where the man rescues the woman, the man goes into it thinking it's going to be a fully grown woman in the tower, and instead it's just a young girl who hasn't ever really been outside?" Roman suggested, taking a sip of his coffee.

Excited, you typed it down. "That would be fantastic! Okay, what about names?"

"I say name them after ourselves!" Roman joked, but then said "I've always liked the name Archer."

You smiled, and typed it down. "I like that name, too. I think I'll call the little girl Sadie."

Roman smiled, and as you typed out a rough manuscript, he helped point out and fix plot holes. It was a good day, and that manuscript later turned into another play, 'The Prince and the Girl'.

"We had lots of fun writing those plays together, didn't we? That's why I wrote a special play for you, in honor of our five year friendship anniversary." You pulled a manuscript, about a hundred or so pages, and held it. 

"So, it's about a prince who finds a writer who is having a bit of trouble getting their career started. He helps them by taking their plays that they write and acting in them. Almost immediately, their shows are among the most popular in their little village. The writer tries to thank the prince, but he refuses and asks only that they become they best of friends. And they did." You paused, gripping the manuscript tighter. "They became best friends, until the prince was taken by a disease the writer barely escaped. And the worst part is he died on their anniversary." A single tear slipped from your eye.

"Even though it's in a medieval setting, it's an autobiography." You sat down, your back against the cool stone of Roman's grave and began reading the play you wrote him out loud.

Little did you know, Roman was listening. 

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